New books! 📚
So glad I read this! McCaulley makes a case for an African American method of Biblical interpretation. Each chapter looks at a different issue and related Biblical texts using this method/lens. I really appreciated his analysis & insights, offering new perspectives on familiar texts and sometimes giving voice to ideas I‘d thought about but had never studied further. His chapter on Black rage & Psalm 137 was especially insightful. Recommended!
“What made King special was an unshakeable faith, rooted in his belief in God‘s purposes, that racism did not have to be the final sentence in the book of the American story.”
I am really excited about digging into this new book by Esau McCaulley. I have heard wonderful reviews about it on Twitter.
Coming September 1 get your copy. This pass weekend Dr. Esau McCaulley had two articles published in the New York Times and the Washington Post! So proud of him!😊
This picture speaks a thousand words... congrats Dr. Esau McCaulley✨ I knew him when...one of my church kids so proud of him.
Coming September 1, 2020 to your favorite bookseller
Read more about the author : esaumccaulley.com
Esau McCaulley (PhD, St. Andrews) is assistant professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, a priest in the Anglican Church in North America, and a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. His publications include Sharing in the Son's Inheritance and numerous articles in outlets such as Christianity Today, The Witness, and The Washington Post.
I‘m helping launch this fantastic book for this young man that grew up in my church!