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A Sinister Establishment
A Sinister Establishment: A Regency Cozy | Lynn Messina
5 posts | 3 read | 3 to read
The former Beatrice Hyde-Clare is having a little trouble adjusting to her new situation. Now installed as the Duchess of Kesgrave in elegant splendor in Berkeley Square, she is confounded by the stately residence's seemingly endless array of rooms and every time one of the maids addresses her as "your grace," she flinches. And the butler! Oh, yes, that imposing servant holds her in utter contempt and has no qualms about sharing his opinion with the rest of the staff. It's all so wretched. But just as Bea begins to despair-a bright spot. A neighboring house has suffered a ghastly tragedy, and although the constable deems it an inadvertent decapitation, she can't believe anyone could be so careless as to accidentally lose his head. Determined to discover the truth, the new duchess pays her first social call. Because even if she can't find her way around her palatial home, she certainly knows her way around a murder.
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Another fun installment in this series. I wish I had enjoyed it as much as the previous books, but it‘s not a huge drop off. The mystery is secondary to the relationship between Bea and Hargrave as it continues its development. Fun characters, witty dialogue, it‘s a really nice diversion.

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This was probably my least favorite so far, but it was still entertaining. I love Damien and Bea, and the supporting cast of characters is delightfully absurd. The whodunnit is obvious, but again, I don‘t read these for the mystery. I read them for Bea and her Duke.

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I got hooked on this series and read the first five books in quick succession. I started this, but I needed a change, so I put it down a couple months ago. Time to start again with one of my favorite characters. #jumpstart2023

Clwojick Ooo. Love the cover. Definitely looks like something I‘d pick up. 💖 2y
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“If Beatrice Hyde-Clare had realized that her refusal to consent to her betrothed‘s slight alteration in their marriage vows would allow his grandmother to assemble a roomful of people to witness the happy event, she would have agreed at once to his request.”

I love this series! #FirstLineFridays

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A lovely addition to the series! As usual I am primarily here for the romance & there we remain in adorable territory. There was new tension & sweetness in the relationship to update its original charm with depth. The writing — esp. dialogue — is as lively & comical as ever, which is what I love most about these books. Even the mystery was less predictable than some of the others, & I was intrigued by the characters. Hope there‘s more! ★★★★☆.