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This Telling
This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
6 posts | 12 read | 2 to read
A genealogy test sparks a woman’s reflection on the two accounts of her life—the real one and the one she’s always told the world—in this poignant short story by Cheryl Strayed, the bestselling author of Wild.
In 1964 teenage Geraldine Waters was sent away by her parents to an unwed mothers’ home, where she gave up her newborn for adoption. Ever since, she’s lived an alternative narrative. Decades later, it’s time for Geraldine to reconcile the telling of her life, to finally grieve, and to discover what happened to that part of her past that slipped away.
Cheryl Strayed’s This Telling is part of Out of Line, an incisive collection of funny, enraging, and hopeful stories of women’s empowerment and escape. Each piece can be read or listened to in a single thought-provoking sitting.
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This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
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A short story about what happens when 16 year old Geraldine discovers she is pregnant. The available options in the 60s. Choices. Decisions. Moving on. Coming full circle. Short. Intense. Incredible character development for such a short story!

This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
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Part of Amazon Originals Out of Line Collection - this novella is set in mid-1960s small town America. Geraldine and her short-term boyfriend are expecting and he‘s bound for Vietnam. They quickly gather a wedding but while she‘s getting ready, her boyfriend leaves a note on Dad‘s car “I can‘t do it”…

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

Andrew65 Sounds good, well done 👏👏👏 12mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 12mo
Eggs @Andrew65 😊🙏🏻 12mo
Eggs @TheSpineView 🤗🙏🏻 12mo
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This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
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This 33 page short story is part of the Out of Line Collection which is currently available on Kindle Unlimited.

What happens when women step out of line and take control of their own stories?

Geraldine is 17, Jim is 19 and they are having a baby. I had all the feels in these 33 pages. I was mad, sad, disappointed, uplifted and proud. There's one line in this book that had me whooping for women which you can't miss as its ALL IN CAPITALS.

This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
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Very powerful short story about a teenage girl who gives up a baby for adoption and how not talking about it shapes her future life.
This hit me especially hard because my mom went through a similar situation when she was young, except she shared her story. I am lucky enough to know my half sister because of this honesty. I can't imagine how difficult that decision must have been, to either hide a part of yourself or risk people judging you for it

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This Telling | Cheryl Strayed
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A beautiful short story about the choices we make as women that will make or break us if we allow it. This is book one from the Out of Line series through Amazon Prime.