Question!!‼️I read a ton of books and enjoy beta reading and writing reviews. How do you feel as a reader when you read books with sex and sexual acts,obviously in genres other than romance and erotica? Would it turn you off enough from the book to stop reading or not read the author‘s other books?🤔‼️
Lovesbooks87 Doesn't brother me at all. 7y
JoScho I am not offended by sex scenes in books. 7y
TieDyeDude I really haven't come across this much, but I feel it would be very subjective. If it's a writer I like, well written, and doesn't distract from the story, I don't see it being a problem. 7y
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Settings Not offended, but not particularly interested either. 7y
MrsSpencer @Lovesbooks87 me either, but it seems like the mentioning of masterbating is a definitive nono, regardless of how great the writing 7y
MrsSpencer @anoplph0ra I can see that too, if it‘s not adding to the story, no need to include honestly 7y
MrsSpencer @GoodForCirculation that‘s how I feel too. But I‘ve seen people‘s reviews rave about how great a book is, but give it a low rating because of sexual content, which sometimes leaves me confused 7y
Swe_Eva Depends on why it's there, I suppose, but a sex scene wouldn't be a deal-killer for a book or its author for me. 7y
ReadZenRites It‘s not a deal-breaker for me if a sex scene moves the plot forward or develops the character(s). What IS sometimes a peeve for me is the use of sexual brutality or violence purely for prurient reasons. 7y
PirateJenny it doesn't bother me at all. I don't live in a bubble and I don't expect my books to be free of what happens in life. And the badly done ones always get shared. 7y
CarolynM Same as every other kind of scene, if it's relevant to the story or tells you something about the characters or the time and place it's absolutely fine. I agree with @ReadZenRites point - sometimes I feel that a sex scene could be relevant but has been mishandled by the author and consequently feels gratuitous or prurient. 7y
SleepyDragon If it furthers the plot or serves a purpose, I don't mind. Otherwise, I'll probably finish the book but be hesitant to read anything else by the author. Sometimes I think sex scenes are inserted just to sell the book, not cool. I once read what would have been an awesome mystery novel except that literally every odd numbered chapter was her having sex. Meanwhile she's trying to find her missing father, presumed dead. Not realistic. 7y
ReadtoWrite It doesn‘t bother me. People have sex. I only feel it needs to further the plot if it‘s violent in some way (other than romance, erotica, etc.). I need to know why I‘m ready about a rape, for instance, in a literary fiction. 7y
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