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Stranger Than Kindness
Stranger Than Kindness | Nick Cave
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A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Stranger Than Kindness is a journey in images and words into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave. This highly collectable book invites the reader into the innermost core of the creative process and paves the way for an entirely new and intimate meeting with the artist, presenting Caves life, work and inspiration and exploring his many real and imagined universes. It features full colour reproductions of original artwork, handwritten lyrics, photographs and collected personal artefacts along with commentary and meditations from Nick Cave, Janine Barrand and Darcey Steinke. Stranger Than Kindness asks what shapes our lives and makes us who we are, and celebrates the curiosity and power of the creative spirit. The book has been developed and curated by Nick Cave in collaboration with Christina Back. The images were selected from Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition, opening at the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen in June 2020.
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Who knew Nick Cave had produced a book? I confess the only song I know of his is the one he did with Kylie Minogue!


TrishB He has a couple of books (hubby is a big fan!). 2y
Bookwomble "Where the Wild Roses Grow" is on Cave's excellent album, "Murder Ballads". It's very dark, VERY sweary, and very wonderful. ?? 2y
Eggs Great choice 👏🏻 2y
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Yaaaaass! #fangirl #nickcave 😍🙌😁

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Look what my husband just bought home?! 😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏

SharonAlger I love Nick Cave! 4y
rockpools I think you‘ve just found my SIL‘s birthday present- thank you! 4y
TrishB I don‘t think hubby has this! Need to check shelves. 4y
mirnas Nick Cave is the best😍 4y
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