Getting back into Litsy and Bookly again ♥️
Getting back into Litsy and Bookly again ♥️
I've just finished listening to this, tonight. A fun, light story. I eagerly await the next one in the series. You can read my review here for more detail: https://link.medium.com/g0mzKUOV6ab
I loved this book 😍 my youngest child has just gotten hooked on this series as well. My review is here: https://link.medium.com/bkfIP5NZYab
I'm halfway through this second book of the Nevermoor series. I'm loving it!
I'd heard good things about this book, and it didn't disappoint at all. I'm looking forward to reading the other two books. You can read my full review here: https://link.medium.com/Qdi2yzkEQab
This book is full of wisdom on ways you can live your best life. Lots of it is common sense, but it‘s always great to be reminded of these things. And listening to this all in one go really inspired me to get more out of my life.
I‘ll be honest, I thought this was going to be boring when I started listening in those first five minutes. But something made me stick with it, and I‘m so glad I did. This had suspense and amazing twists all throughout. All I can say without giving too much away, is that I felt really sorry for the protagonist, Alice.
Beautiful, devastating, uplifting, ugly. All mismatching words that describe this book perfectly. It‘s made me so grateful for all the little things in everyday life that we all take for granted.
It‘s been a stay at home and rest kind of day. Lots of reading and audiobook listening. #endometriosis
This is a light-hearted, quick read. It‘s simply witty, funny, charming, delightful and an all-round feel good read. Especially good if you need a break from heavier topics. This was a real treat. Just precious.
This is the book I‘ve picked out to read for tomorrow.
This is easy reading so far; I‘m hoping to finish it tonight 😍
I bought this ages ago for the @veggiemama book club. I didn‘t read it at the time, but I came across it today and felt it was time to add it to the stack.
I use this table for writing in bed, but it looks like it‘ll be handy to help me read my heavier books.
#horror pointers from a legend. Good to know, and very true.
Because I‘ve finished two books yesterday and today, I‘m bringing two new ones in to replace them. This might take a while.
I have a love/hate relationship with this book. It has excellent advice on finding story ideas, prepping your manuscript, what publishers want, and so on. The things I disliked was its old-fashioned, ableist, transphobic, non-inclusive in general, tone.
That said, I‘m going to keep it so I can refer to the parts of the book that are useful, because I think I can get lots of use out of the exercises Sophie King provides.
I got this book because I was in the @veggiemama book club, last year. I didn‘t manage to finish it in time, but I‘ve finished it today. I loved this book. I‘m a dialogue fiend, so while reading the entire book in a thick, Scottish accent was hard going, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. This book was heartbreaking, hilarious and intense, as we glimpsed the lives of heroin addicts in the 90‘s, right when the drug was having its heyday.
This book gave me so much food for thought. It‘s given me more perspective on the type of fiction I want to write, and how to write disability and image differences with sensitivity.
This book opens up the conversation about ableism, which is long overdue. I highly recommended!
Also, I noticed that the author, @CarlyFindlay has joined Litsy, so let‘s put her on the #LitsyWelcomeWagon !
In answer to this question: yes. My partner was offered a disability ‘job‘, and they were extremely interested in using his previous experience and training and paying him a pittance for his trouble. Here‘s a news flash for employers: disabled people like/want/need money just as much as anyone else!
Don‘t assume ‘they‘ll just be grateful to have a job.‘
Wisdom from Carly and Stella.
I was shocked that this was more of a pamphlet than a book! And yet, Ingrid has provided useful ideas so simply, that the reader is capable of taking the steps toward self love easily, with maximum payoff.
Her advice is profound and helpful. She‘s not a self-help guru who insists you be positive to the point of denying any negativity exists. Instead, she acknowledges this, giving the reader workable tools on handling it in a positive way.
An excellent message from this great author today: ‘please don‘t forget your disabled sisters when celebrating.‘ Happy International Women‘s Day, everyone ♥️♥️♥️
I plan to trial this writing method and I feel it‘ll work for me. Pictured are some of the aspects of novel writing structure this book covers. In the book, you learn roughly how long each step takes, so I added notes about that, for quick reference.
I liked how the author created a story about Goldilocks trying to write a novel. This made it an enjoyable, relatable read. This author also wrote Writing Fiction For Dummies.
My girls are ‘helping‘ with my reading and writing, today ♥️♥️♥️ #DogsofLitsy
I‘m in a hurry to finish this book, simply because I‘m so keen to try this writing method. This book has forced me to think deeper about my plot, my characters and particularly my villains. I would recommend this to all fiction writers, yes, even the pantsers. Why? Because it teaches the reader lots of useful things about what makes a story great. Once I‘ve finished it I‘ll give a proper review.
Congratulations to @GypsyKat for reaching a new milestone ❤️
To celebrate, she‘s running the #3for3kGiveaway.
To enter, you need to share which three books you‘d like to win. Mine are:
Night Circus
Yes Please
Winter Song.
My reading list for the month of March ❤️ Cthulhu might take longer 😂
This was a brilliant ending to the #ravencycle series ❤️ lots of action, emotion and twists. I enjoyed the character development of everyone in the group and watching their relationships grow deeper. There were some fantastic surprises in there, too. I‘m sad it‘s over ❤️
This is a non fiction about thoughts in Patti Smith‘s head. It‘s an easy read, some parts I found interesting and I enjoyed her perspective on life. Her use of dialogue drove me batty. She listed her dialogue with these at the beginning: - . Why? As much as I enjoyed it, my mind did wander quite a bit as I read this.
I enjoyed reading something outside of what I‘d usually read, and I loved her artist‘s perspective and her life experiences.
I found this for only $16 at Book Depository today ❤️❤️❤️
Once I got to #Allegiant, the final book in the #Divergent trilogy, I expected to love this. Nope. On the 1st page, I worked out the ending. I was insulted the author thought us readers too stupid to work it out. The ending was unnecessary. I felt like the author did this to prove her ruthlessness, but ruined the plot. The pacing was off which surprised me, as it was perfect in the other 2 books. I didn‘t bother watching the movie of this book.
#Insurgent is part 2 of the #Divergent trilogy. Like all good mid-trilogy books, this book takes us deeper into this world, and more exciting things are revealed. Also, bigger problems come into play. I enjoyed this very much ❤️ I also felt the movie held up very well to the book. Beautifully paced, too.
I love dystopian fiction. The idea of factions were a bit of a cliche, but the author made it work. I enjoyed the way she built this world, and her pacing was immaculate. I watched the movie first, then I had to read the trilogy. It‘s a great book if you have teens. My copy of #Divergent is well-loved. That‘s because 3 people in this house read it: my partner, my daughter, and I. We had animated chats about this, keeping the parent/teen bond tight
Part 3 of the #HungerGames trilogy. #Mockingjay, without me giving too much away, is when war begins against the Capitol. I loved this book, although it was sad in places. Can I just say, I hated the movies of this book? Total snooze fest. I did fan-girl hard over Lorde‘s song for the soundtrack, though: Yellow Flicker Beat. A great moment for a Hunger Games fan.
If you love a good story about rebellion brewing in the trenches, #CatchingFire will be right up your alley. Part 2 of the #HungerGames trilogy, this will have you on the edge of your seat. I really cared deeply about these characters and wanted to yell at them to kick the Capitol‘s privileged, whiny little arse.
The #HungerGames is a lot like Dexter. When people hear its premise, the first reaction is, ‘I could never possibly enjoy or condone a book that features killing as a competition.‘ I was the same. But, if the idea gives you that reaction, it actually means you‘d really love it. I know, because that‘s what happened to me. If you love dystopian fiction and stories about fighting for justice, give it a try. You‘ll honestly never look back.
The final book in this brilliant trilogy. Very, very sad, yet with many beautiful moments. A great Sydney tale.
Number two in the trilogy. I first read this as a high school text. I‘ve been a groupie of the trilogy ever since. I can feel myself in Sydney, in those times. This book made me approach dialogue differently. This book has everything; highs, lows, dangers, love and humour. This is a soul-read for me ❤️
The 1st book in the Harp in the South trilogy. Ruth Park is one of my favourite authors ❤️ this book tells the tale of how Hughie and Ma met and came to be married. Fantastic Aussie story telling with lots of humour along the way.
A classic Aussie outback #romance. Colleen McCullogh was a genius ❤️ just read it, I beg you 😍 you‘ll see why it‘s so great.
I found the writer to have a unique, interesting voice. I‘m a zombie lover, so this book was right up my alley. I enjoyed the characters and plot. This story adds something different and interesting to the zombie genre. I really disliked the ending, though. I preferred the book over the movie. Even though the ending was a letdown for me, I‘d say it‘s a must if you are mad about zombies.
I‘m one third of the way through the last book of the Raven Cycle series. It‘s good, but I have no idea where Maggie is going with the story, yet. Excited to see how everything wraps up at the end. Oh, my son made that bookmark for me at school, for Mother‘s Day ❤️😍
The third book in the Raven Cycle series, when everything falls apart. I had so much sympathy for Blue in this one.
The second book in the Raven Cycle series, the focus is on the bad-boy, Ronan. I loved learning about all of his secrets. No matter how rude and arrogant this kid is, we have to love him 😂