Friday read
Friday read
Fun twist on the usual new-vicar-in-sleepy-village tale complete with cold case disappearances, town secrets, corrupt families, and religious martyrs. #netgalley #Theburninggirls
Started listening to this thriller on my commute. Definitely attention grabbing enough to enjoy it! It was recommended to me as an audiobook and I‘m giving it a listen. Small town with secrets; and a reverend, who‘s the mother of a teen, just strolled in with secrets of her own. #commuteread #commute #audiorec #audiobook #audio #bookrec #bookrecs #bookrecommendation
This is my first foray into CJ Tudor and it won't be my last! As a matter of fact, I've already borrowed "The Chalk Man" from my local library. Yay! I was up until 2:00 this morning trying to finish this book because it's just so good. Read this with the lights on. It's not often that I'm creeped out by a book but yeah, definitely keep the lights on while reading this. 10/10 for me!
I loved this! My favorite C.J Tudor book so far. I guessed a few of the 'twists', but it was still enjoyable.