Finishing strong with 143 books and 60,000 pages for the year!
Also I truly love the story graph stats something about it just gives me a dose of endorphins
Finishing strong with 143 books and 60,000 pages for the year!
Also I truly love the story graph stats something about it just gives me a dose of endorphins
Book #23
Finishing up the series and moving on to long awaited library holds
Book 22.
I'm every girl who's ever run from a man
with a weapon, every girl who ever ran
for her life across spaces where she was
supposed to be safe.”
I really enjoyed this book. It made me paranoid and anxious but in a good way. I already had an escape plan but “one is none” 😉😉
Book 21.
Yet another reread
Do I finish the series and then move on to my tbr or go right into something new
Book 19
Flight reads … goodbye south hello west coast
Book 18
It took me so long to finish this…. Honestly truly not good and I wanted to stop but I got through it
Book 17
The last of the series….moving on
Book 16
A quick novella in the news flesh series . I actually enjoyed this more than the original stories
Book 15
Did she really go back to these places looking for certain men? Like a man was the reason for your happiness? A man?????
Book 14 …. Gotta love the Litsy glitch that uploads a black square instead of the image 🙄🙄🙄
Back to vlad and Leila, I‘m reading these all out of order …… still waiting on library holds day 84759000 🙄🙄
Book 12
Still waiting for library holds so continuing on with this series…. Guess I have to read the 3rd while waiting
Book 11
Still waiting for my library holds so continuing on with paranormal romance…. Great for February reading
Book 10
Sooooooo soo so thankfully I haven‘t had to live through war time food rations. Really cute and quick read.
Book 9
“We need to talk”
Girl shut up, if I was Vlad I would have lit her ass up a long time ago just to get her to be quiet🙄 book 2 of the night prince series
Book 8 2022
How lonely it will be here, when it‘s just us.
Book 7
Wow just wow, the writing - impeccable
I never want to read this author again because the amount of feelings this made me feel but I have to read everything ever written by her.
I‘ve read this before but I adore Jeaniene Frost and I wanted to read something familiar and easy.
Book 6
What‘s the difference, I wondered, between a ghost and a memory?
Book 5 of 2022
I‘ve read a few of this authors books and I really enjoyed what I read. It‘s not the greatest thing I‘ve ever read but keeps me interested and a little spook is never a bad thing.
Book 4 of 2022
“My dear and unfortunate successor”
I love a good Dracula story
Book 2 of 2022
I know I‘m late to the party on this one but my tbr is never ending 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
I read this is 1 sitting when I was supposed to be working because it was better than work 😁😁
A circle has no beginnings
Book 1 of 2022
I restarted the series for the 20th anniversary and didn‘t finish in 2021 so I started off this year finishing up.
A fun birthday surprise! I‘m so ready to set up my Halloween decor
Pretty good so far, can‘t wait to see if it‘s really a ghost story or just a mystery.
The library of Pittock Mansion, built in 1914.
Oh to have a library room
#nowreading I haven‘t posted here in a long time. I usually just check out what everyone else is reading to get an idea of what I want to read next. I miss doing #litsyswaps and was thinking of signing up for one for Halloween.
Shocking or not so shocking from the book .....
$25,000 ??? For the master bedroom?? He paid rent for the bedrooms???
I didn‘t know much about the playboy mansion or Hugh Hefner before this and honestly I don‘t even care what his side of the story may be. This is Holly‘s story about her time there and some time after and I am glad to have read this with a few glasses of wine in the sunshine.