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Halfway to Free
Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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Raising a family is the ultimate luxury as the human race teeters on the brink of extinction in this visionary short story by Emma Donoghue, the bestselling author of Room.
Miriam was raised in a society without children. To offset the devastation of climate change, state-of-the-art birth control has made daycares and playgrounds things of the past. As tempting as the government inducements are to remain child-free, Miriam’s curiosity about the people who “drop out” of society to become parents grows. When she finds a like-minded partner, she must choose between the rewarding comforts she knows and the unknowable mysteries of being a mother.
Emma Donoghue’s Halfway to Free is part of Out of Line, an incisive collection of funny, enraging, and hopeful stories of women’s empowerment and escape. Each piece can be read or listened to in a single thought-provoking sitting.
Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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Short story, part of an Amazon collection I downloaded a while ago. About a dystopian future where only the rich and famous get to have kids. Interesting premise but I wasn‘t wowed by it.

Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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Pick. Bizarre and disturbing scenario where government, in its mandate to reduce global population, allots powerful incentives to those who do not have children, so that few can afford to be parents. Women wear a device like a headset to prevent conception. But Miriam and a male coworker start to wonder…

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Does sound bizarre. Great job!💙📖📚 12mo
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Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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Reminded me of The Handmaid‘s Tale. A future when reproductive rights are limited. In this case, women are discouraged from having babies. They are given birth control when they reach puberty and if they have children they are denied healthcare, housing, jobs, etc. I found it a bit disturbing but also fascinating, given all that‘s happening in the world now.

Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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“I thought about siblings: the strangeness of two people having the same parents. Was a sister more like a friend or a rival?”

#siblings #sisters #emmadonoghue

Halfway to Free | Emma Donoghue
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Another short story from the Out of Line collection. This is set in the future, when humankind has decided to pause reproducing in order to get to a more "optimum" population to battle the effects of climate change. Technology has progressed to create state-of-the-art birth control and government incentives make it almost impossible to afford to have a child. But Miriam has a strange new curiosity about motherhood.

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