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Joined May 2016

Scientist and avid reader, currently based in NYC with my bengal cats, Hazel and Willow.
All Fours | Miranda July
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I‘m sorry #camplitsy24 but this was not for me! I wanted to stick it out for the sake of the discussion though. Sometimes I love a books ending. This came full circle but didn‘t impress me.

Outdated stereotypes about bisexuality and a self obsessed narrator whose privilege and mid life crisis I just couldn‘t relate to.

It was a quick read at least 🤷🏻‍♀️

Caught my Hazel taking a nap #catsoflitsy

Also counts for #lgbt2024 @Kenyazero

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
TheBookHippie Agree with everything you said. 6d
Kenyazero I hate it when a group read flops! 3d
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My TBR list! #nytbest100 #nybest100

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Not bad, but some of these I hated 😂 so many are on my TBR shelf. Weird only wolf hall is splayed.

Thanks @Bookwomble for helping me find the link.

I‘ll put a link in the comments so you can play too! #nytbest100 #nybest100

Bookwomble 😊👍 2w
BarbaraJean I spy another splayed one in the top row—Plot Against America! 2w
Kitta @BarbaraJean oh good point!! 2w
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An atmospheric novel (similar to #campitsy24 pick Clear) about a community living on an island off the coast of Wales where a whale beaches itself one day.

Narrated by Manod, an 18 year old woman living with her father and sister, it describes island life and the slow disappearance of their culture as younger individuals leave for work on the mainland.

Set in the backdrop of pre-WW II this was a fairly quick and interesting read.

James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I really sped through this. I intended to read half and stop but checked my progress on my kindle and I was at 65%, so I just continued.

A retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain through the eyes of a slave, Jim/James. Without having read Twain‘s novel, I feel like I‘m missing some things about the story and couldn‘t believe some aspects. Maybe I should have read it first? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Still a great read. #camplitsy24

Jess I‘m feeling the same way. First, I should have read Twain‘s story before starting James and second, I don‘t know whether I‘ll be able to stop half way for #camplitsy! I‘m really liking this one and it‘s flying by. 3w
Megabooks Glad you enjoyed it! 3w
Kitta @Megabooks some of the language made me uncomfortable (but I think it‘s supposed to!) and it was hard reading the language the slaves used with the masters, but I always struggle with dialects in books. Trainspotting for instance was rough for me and I used to live in Scotland! 😂 3w
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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Saw @Soubhiville post and explain how to get this from StoryGraph (a new feature if you select the month and scroll to the bottom)!

This was a great reading month for me, I usually average 2 books a month.

Favourites were The Covenant of Water (tagged) and A Sweet Sting of Salt.

Salt doesn‘t have the best reviews but I found it engrossing and just what I wanted mood wise, whereas Covenant was just fantastic.

Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Another giveaway for #camplitsy24 book, Bear!


Good luck! 🤞🏻 There‘s a lot of people entered but hoping someone gets a free copy.

tpixie Thx? 4w
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#BOTM July picks!

A Thousand Times Before sounds so good - intergenerational novel about three Indian women, set in India then Brooklyn. Apparently some lgbt themes so take note for #lgbt2024!

I love short stories so added Volume 0 as well.

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Free book alert! 🚨


From the writer of Legends & Lattes and Bones & Bookdust, we have Goblins & Greatcoats!

I loved Legends and can‘t wait to read the second one, so this was an immediate download.

If you love high fantasy, queer storylines, and/or cozy reads, this is for you.

Avanders Did it - thank you for the link!! 4w
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A Scatter of Light | Malinda Lo
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Saw @peanutnine read this and I loved Last Night at the Telegraph Club so I decided to read it ASAP!

Touching story about a Chinese American 18 year old spending her summer with her artist grandmother prior to starting at MIT. It‘s there she meets some local queer folks and she‘s introduced to something she‘d never considered about herself.

I normally hate coming of age and ya but this series is great.

#lgbt2024 AAPI rep @Kenyazero

peanutnine Yay I'm glad you enjoyed it!! 4w
Kenyazero Wow, that was fast turnaround! I‘m glad you enjoyed this. I guess after reading both your and @peanutnine ‘s reviews I have to add this to my list! 4w
Kitta @Kenyazero yeah haha, I‘m avoiding the next camp litsy book for some reason. Not in the right mood for it but I need to get started soon! This was exactly what I wanted! 4w
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Sanatorium | Abi Palmer
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Soft pick.

Written by someone I knew, this is a mix of prose and poetry about her time in a sanatorium in Budapest, and back at home in London afterwards. Told in a non-linear way, jumping between the two and interspersed with vivid dreams. Abi is chronically ill and disabled.

I liked the poetry but found the prose a little like a diary. Some chapters starting with “Hi, it‘s me Abi” which was off putting.

Hard to rate. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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@BarbaraBB here‘s my results!

Here‘s a link for the test if you want to see how you stack up too!



LiteraryinLawrence That was fun! I got the same as you! 1mo
Bookwormjillk I got the same as well! 1mo
Kitta @LiteraryinLawrence @Bookwormjillk I‘m somehow not surprised since we‘re all on this app! 😂 1mo
Jari-chan Same😂 1mo
BarbaraBB We all have the same 😂 not surprising! 1mo
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In Defence of the Act | Effie Black
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I had no idea how to rate this because I thought it was nonfiction, it had me so believing the storyline.

What a gut punch.

Jess is a lesbian and a scientist, studying altruistic suicidal behaviours in spiders (of all things). The novel discusses her personal relationships - touching on mental illness, trauma, queer love, and family dynamics.

Overall a moving and captivating story that will stay with me for a long time.

Kitta Trigger warnings: suicide, abuse, drug use, alcoholism, mental illness. 1mo
squirrelbrain This was my (joint) favourite on the Women‘s Prize list. It was so unusual but compelling. 1mo
Kitta Ooo what was your other favourite #womensprize novel @squirrelbrain? (edited) 1mo
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squirrelbrain Brotherless Night. I was a bit disappointed in the list overall this year -usually 5 or 6 would make my overall ‘favourites of the year‘ list, but this year only these two. 1mo
Kitta @squirrelbrain added to my TBR! I was drawn to In Defence for its unusual take on a difficult subject matter, I usually only read 1-2 from the women‘s prize list, and had to stop reading several times because it was overwhelming. I‘ve lost a lot of friends and family members to suicide and her rationalizations made it hard to read, but definitely an interesting and compelling novel. I felt really uncomfortable by the narrator‘s views, but sort of 1mo
Kitta @squirrelbrain understand her logic at the same time. It‘s definitely made me think a lot and will stay with me. (edited) 1mo
squirrelbrain I‘m sorry you‘ve lost people to suicide, Kitta. That must have made it a *really* tough read. BN is also a tough subject matter - the Sri Lankan civil war - but is also very muchworth reading. 1mo
Kitta @squirrelbrain thanks, it was tough but I thought it was a worthwhile read. I‘ll definitely check out 1mo
BarbaraBB This was a five star read for me too. Like you I lost people to suicide which made it a hard read yet so good. 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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One thing I haven‘t seen anyone touch on yet for this #camplitsy24 read is the LGBTQIA+ themes, and Rika‘s mentions of the girls at school, as well as her comments about fascinating both genders, and being a “prince”.

It made me expect something to happen to clarify whether Rika was bisexual and whether Japanese society was causing her to suppress those desires.

I‘m not sure if I‘m reading too much into this though. 🤔

What did you think?

Ruthiella The book dances around this but never comes to any conclusion on it, IMO. I think also that Reiko is maybe gay or bi, but doesn‘t/can‘t admit it, which is in part why she‘s so unhappy. 1mo
Kitta @Ruthiella I agree but couldn‘t tell if I was reading it that way because I‘m bi 😆 Glad to hear I‘m not the only one who thought this! It was seeming to me the whole time that they were going to get together and then it just didn‘t happen. 1mo
BarbaraJean I'm late to comment, but YES! I was waiting for something to happen with these themes as well. I thought something might happen romantically between Rika & Reiko. There was a LOT going on in the book already, so I could understand not developing that thread further. But I was disappointed that the author didn't follow up on all the hints sprinkled throughout, especially re: Rika's experiences at school and the interactions between her and Reiko. 4w
Kitta @BarbaraJean I know! I was kinda disappointed too tbh. But your reasoning makes sense. (edited) 4w
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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A soft pick.

Lots to chat about for this one but I‘ll save my thoughts on the ending for the #camplitsy24 discussion on Saturday!

I didn‘t know where this book was going to go at the beginning and there were some unexpected twists I didn‘t see coming, but on the whole it felt a bit predictable. I kept thinking it was going to end and I‘d check my kindle and it‘d be at 75%!

I really want to research the true story it‘s based off of.

Kitta Also for reasons that will become clear by the ending I ordered a rotisserie chicken for lunch 😂 This book makes me want to eat and cook! 1mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I love how this book can cause so many different reactions throughout reading it. I am glad you stuck with it and I agree on the rotisserie chicken! See you on Saturday! 1mo
Kitta @BarbaraBB it was definitely interesting! I‘m glad I voted for it to be included in #camplitsy. Will be an interesting discussion! 1mo
Megabooks I‘m curious about the true story, too! 1mo
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Went to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade yesterday!! Here‘s me doing a hobby of mine - dressing and swimming as a mermaid!

We couldn‘t go in the water because of the lightning (see top left) but we got to get photos on the beach!

@CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian 🧜‍♀️ photo for you!!

Liz_M I saw a bunch of people covered in sequins and very sexily dressed in the subway and was saddened that I hadn't even realized it was the Mermaid parade.

That is a stunning outfit you have and a great photo!
5feet.of.fury So cool! Great photo! 1mo
BookmarkTavern Amazing! 🤩 1mo
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Chelsea.Poole Wow what a photo! You look amazing! 1mo
Deblovestoread Beautiful. 💜 1mo
KadaGul Look 👀 good 😊 🧜‍♀️ 1mo
dabbe Wowza! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Omg wow incredible!!! 1mo
Kitta @Liz_M yes it was! I‘m still covered in glitter despite showering haha. It‘s great fun, you should come next year! And thank you! 1mo
Kitta @5feet.of.fury @BookmarkTavern @Chelsea.Poole @Deblovestoread @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian thank you all! I‘m really happy with the outcome even if we couldn‘t get in the water, it was awesome! 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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What, no! That‘s not how you make béchamel!! It has to be done slowly. With care. Drop by drop while stirring. Warm milk is better.

I‘ve never heard of someone taking this tactic and it being successful. ?


BarbaraBB I was thinking the same thing! 1mo
Kitta @BarbaraBB guaranteed lumpy if you do that! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Caroline2 Completely agree!! I do use cold milk (just out of laziness) but I add it veryyyyy slowly. 😱 1mo
Kitta @Caroline2 I do it that way too 😂 I don‘t have a microwave so I would have to heart it in a pot but the best one for that is the one I make roux in so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Kitta @Caroline2 usually when I‘m cooking something that requires béchamel I have pots on every burner! No space! My fav is my dad‘s Mac and cheese recipe. Includes hard boiled eggs, bacon, onions, and the normal stuff. So you need at least 4 pots and pans, then assemble and place in the oven. 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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I‘m at halfway & this has really picked up! I don‘t think I‘ll be able to stop and wait for the #camplitsy24 questions!

I had an interesting discussion about this book with my Japanese neighbour yesterday - she said the idea of putting butter on rice would be very strange to Japanese people!

Also she said their culture about weight is changing, models need to be a minimum weight and clothing sizes now fit more of an international standard.


Kitta I think the change in culture is somewhat reflected in this book but not to the extent she was describing, which was interesting. We talked a lot about our favourite Japanese food and she promised to make me some okonomiyaki again 😋 Shes a great neighbour! 1mo
Kitta As an aside, I found this book a little too slow at the beginning. I‘m glad I persevered to this point because I think the story just got a lot more interesting. 1mo
BarbaraBB Yes it definitely picks up pace! And I was wondering if Japanese people would put butter on rice. I know Indonesian never would and it did seem a bit weird. Thanks for clearing that up! 1mo
TheKidUpstairs Butter Rice is a comfort food dish in Japan, but maybe it's only eaten in certain areas. Using butter and dairy is still fairly “modern“ in Japanese cuisine, so maybe it's not eaten everywhere? 1mo
Kitta @TheKidUpstairs To be fair, my friend has lived most of her life in the USA, part of South America, and other countries around the world as her parents moved around a lot for work, she visits Japan twice a year (her parents moved back) and maybe the cooking she gets there is her mother‘s which is less modern? I‘m glad to know it‘s a comfort dish there, it sounds delicious. 😋 1mo
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What are the chances of two posts in a row on the same book?? 😆

Maybe it‘s a sign I should read this.

@BooksCoffeeNurse @Branwen

(Also, fitting title because it‘s 4 am here and I can‘t sleep.)

BooksCoffeeNurse @Kitta I vote yes, it‘s a sign. Lol I‘m loving it so far! ❤️ 1mo
Ruthiella It happens to me occasionally on Litsy too! I always do a double take. 😅 1mo
Kitta @Ruthiella I was trying to see if there‘s a read along or something going on, definitely did a double take haha 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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Anyone else finding Butter a little triggering?

Maybe I‘m sensitive since I‘ve suffered with an eating disorder but her talking about being fat at 120 lbs is… hard. I know it‘s part of Japanese culture to be thin, and it‘s a comment on their society how much the other characters are commenting on it but it‘s making me uncomfortable. Maybe it‘s supposed to?


LiteraryinLawrence Oof, that sounds rough. Remember that your wellness is the most important thing, even if that means needing to bail on or skim certain books. 💗💗 1mo
Kitta @LiteraryinLawrence thanks, that‘s a good thing to remember! I‘m enjoying the book otherwise and am going to persevere but try not to take it to heart. ❤️ Honestly my therapy this week has been about addressing my hatred of my body and that‘s probably contributing to it too. I‘m very overweight now and I‘d love to be 55 kg again, I swung straight from underweight to overweight while eating healthier and it‘s like a whole new set of problems. 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence I hear you, friend. It‘s a lifelong journey and it‘s awesome that you‘re trying to heal. 1mo
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Kitta @LiteraryinLawrence yes, and I feel much happier than before! I just am struggling today. Tomorrow is a new day. 1mo
Jari-chan That would trigger me too... I've struggled with an ED as well, and had to learn to accept my bigger body. But I try to think about all those things I wasn't able to do during my ED years (sleeping, lifting things, having a social life, well having a life at all). Maybe that can give you a little more self-acceptance too🙏 you're worthy and loved and capable ❤️ 1mo
BarbaraBB I think Rika is struggling too and she‘s confronting those (absurd!) Japanese beauty ideals but I found it hard to read sometimes too. As if I should feel guilty for not fitting that ideal. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Thank you for the heads up. You're not alone 💕. Here's a little video I made a few months ago about the tagged book: https://youtu.be/gk1maXwYYt4?feature=shared It's a partial antidote to some of the poisonous nonsense out there. 1mo
Kitta @RaeLovesToRead thanks for the recommendation! Added to my TBR. 1mo
Kitta @Jari-chan I‘m getting better, slowly. I love myself more and the things I‘m able to do (wanting to go snowboarding was one reason I wanted to get healthy again, although it‘s not the season for it now haha) but my desire to be at my gw is still there sometimes. I ate dinner and am focusing on the things I can do. Thanks for your words. ❤️ 1mo
Kitta @BarbaraBB glad to know it‘s not just me! I agree Rika is struggling with the societal pressure. From the part I‘m at though she seems to like her body even if others don‘t. And I like that outlook. 1mo
Jari-chan @Kitta It's great that you have a reason to recover. And I also sometimes miss my old body, even though I would never go back. That's absolutely normal 🫂 you're doing great, keep going ❤️ 1mo
Hooked_on_books Keep at it with this book. The main character has an arc related to weight that I found quite satisfying in the end, so I think you‘ll be happy with where it ends up. 1mo
Kitta @Jari-chan thanks 😊 1mo
Kitta @Hooked_on_books That‘s great, thanks for letting me know. I‘m at chapter 8 now so making progress! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead I started today. Good grief, you're not wrong. 1mo
Kitta @RaeLovesToRead it gets better! She seems comfortable in her skin now (I‘m at 75%) and people are apologizing for their behaviour. The beginning was very triggering for me though. 😬 1mo
JamieArc @Kitta I‘m glad I found this post because I‘m in the same boat. I‘m sure I‘ll be talking to my dietician (basically a therapist but specific to eating issues) about this. She‘s also a reader, so curious where the conversation will go… 1mo
Kitta Good luck @JamieArc! I‘m thinking about talking to a dietitian too about my eating issues. I have a therapist but she doesn‘t specialize in eating disorders and I need guidance in that direction. My therapist is great, I‘m seeing her for trauma work, which I think is key to fixing some of my eating issues, but I‘m overeating now and gained so much weight. I need to get it under control but control for me was always under eating and a huge issue. 1mo
Kitta @jamiearc How did you find one? I went to a nutritionist once and all she did was give me pamphlets on portion size and showed me a measuring cup of rice. It wasn‘t useful. I know those things! My gastroenterologist said I need to cut whole food groups out and that was triggering too, she said cheese is only for thin people and fuck that. I‘m on a low FODMAP diet and it‘s hard to find things to eat that won‘t upset my stomach. I‘m so frustrated. 1mo
JamieArc @Kitta I have lots to say on this, but it‘s a bit sensitive/vulnerable to share for all to see. Is there a way to contact you privately? If you want to email me, I‘m jamielarcher @gmail, and am happy to talk more in depth. Otherwise, I‘ll share just a few things here 😊 1mo
Kitta Sure I‘ll email you! @JamieArc 1mo
JamieArc @Kitta Got it! I‘ll email you back tonight. 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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Got so hungry reading Butter for #camplitsy24 yesterday I had to make some butter on toast!

This book really makes me want to invest in specialty ingredients 😆

Megabooks Same! 1mo
BarbaraBB Same! 1mo
Kitta @Megabooks @BarbaraBB glad I‘m not alone haha 1mo
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Couldn‘t find this in the kindle library, so I used the tagged which I‘ve also read and enjoyed.

Kindle single from years ago, nonfiction, about Mark Haddon‘s fears of swimming and flying and overcoming them, interspersed with poetry and anecdotes about teaching creative writing. Really interesting collection of stories woven into one narrative and gave me a lot to think about.

BarbaraBB Sounds great. I‘ve enjoyed some of his books so will check this out. 1mo
Kitta @BarbaraBB It‘s super short. Only 24? pages. I‘ve had it on my kindle for years and never really thought I was in the mood but I‘m glad I picked it up. I hope you enjoy! 1mo
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This post contains spoilers
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So I read this because I watched a TikTok about it and had to know if they got together.

Spoiler: they do.

He seems like an abusive asshole. Neither of them want to be together by the time I ran out of free content. They exist together for appearances only technically “mated” but haven‘t consummated the marriage.

I‘m assuming they do at some point.

Anyway I read this so you don‘t have to.

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Unexpectedly loved this! I borrowed it from my library through Libby because I liked the cover and title without really knowing what it was about. Glad I did!

Set in 1813, this novel is about a midwife who lives in solitude outside of the village and one of her patients, a neighbour, who seems to be going through a rough time at home with her husband.

Folktales, #lgbt, and feminist themes.

On the train back from Providence!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 2mo
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Little Free Library | Chicago, IL (Bookstore)
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Always on the lookout for a #littlefreelibrary!

This one is in Providence, RI.

Bookwormjillk Are those dog bones? Adorable ☺️ 2mo
Kitta @Bookwormjillk yes! So cute. 2mo
dabbe They are just the most awesome things, aren't they? And the treats! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
KadaGul @Kitta I love ❤️ LFL with the Doggy🐶 treats box #LoveLFL 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love seeing these! 2mo
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Great short memoir about the death of her mother-in-law (only 31 pages). Cheryl Strayed writes beautifully. I was a huge Dear Sugar fan and it‘s been really interesting to get to know more about the person behind the column.

Got this as an Amazon short or something, possibly for free? We love free books!

kspenmoll Dine! Thanks! Free on kindle. 2mo
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H.P. Lovecraft: Tales | Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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Near my Airbnb in Providence!

Bookwomble 😳🐙😳🪦Cool! 😎 2mo
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The Castle of Otranto | Horace Walpole
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How beautiful is this folio society copy of The Castle of Otranto!

Purchased because it‘s pretty but reading about it, apparently this is noted as the first gothic novel published in 1764! So interesting!

RaeLovesToRead Wow!! 2mo
BookmarkTavern Wow! 🤩 2mo
KadaGul Love 😍 It 2mo
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Kitta I‘m going to have to start a collection of Folio Society books now. They‘re so beautiful! @KadaGul @BookmarkTavern @RaeLovesToRead 2mo
Bookwomble This is the edition I have 😍 I think it's a fantastic (in multiple senses) work of literature. Not to everybody's taste now, I guess, but it's one of my favourites. The illustrations in this edition are marvellous. 2mo
Kitta @Bookwomble I think I‘m going to love it, it sounds right up my alley, and the cover is just so beautiful!! I really want more folio society editions of books now. It was like finding a diamond in the rough, finding this in a used bookstore. 2mo
Kitta Also @Bookwomble can I just say I love your username? I love the wombles. 2mo
Bookwomble @Kitta Folio editions are usually very nice, but can be expensive to collect, which I suppose reflects their quality. Thank you for your compliment about my username - The Wombles are classic and I loved them as a kid 🤎 I have to admit, though, that my Litsy name is also a pun on a British slang insult 🤭 1mo
Kitta Haha I wondered if that was the case! @Bookwomble I used to live in the UK and I‘m familiar with the term. 1mo
Bookwomble @Kitta 😄👍🏻 I do try but to be one, though! 1mo
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Window of the paper nautilus! Great used bookstore in Providence, RI.

KadaGul WOW 🤩 2mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Soft pick, kinda a slow burn. I found the beginning a bit tedious but I was also struggling to be awake on the train so many I nodded off and got confused? Reading the second half appealed to me more and even more so reading the notes at the end! I didn‘t realize it was a real language! So cool!

Excited for the first #camplitsy24 discussion tomorrow!

Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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On the train for a few hours heading up to Providence for my sister‘s graduation from medical school! She went to a Caribbean school and for some reason they all graduate in Rhode Island? Idk. It‘s be a nice weekend, hopefully.

Excited to start this #camplitsy24 book! I can‘t believe it‘s camp time already. 🏕️

BarbaraBB Time flies! Tomorrow is our first gathering already 😀 2mo
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Attention #camplitsy24!!

There‘s a giveaway for Bear on goodreads! USA only unfortunately but if you‘re here enter!


BarbaraBB Thanks for sharing! 2mo
Kristy_K Thank you!! 2mo
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Too Close to Home | Cassie Varyn
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It‘s always hard to rate books written by people you know but I really connected to this poetry collection as a trauma survivor myself. It hits ‘close to home‘ and I can identify with a lot of the writing.

Quick read, but will stay with you.

Too Close to Home | Cassie Varyn
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“I don‘t know the way back to me anymore” 🖤

Too Close to Home | Cassie Varyn
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My friend wrote a book of poetry! I‘m surprised to find it in the catalogue on litsy.

It‘s available from B&N if you‘re interested. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/too-close-to-home-cassie-varyn/1145472104?ean=9...

Going to start reading now!

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Love Has No Gender - Pride Month Special Series: Gay Classics: Joseph and His Friend, This Finer Shadow, Regiment of Women, Sappho, The Picture of Dorian Gray | Virginia Woolf, Oscar Wilde, Sappho, Sheridan Le Fanu, Henry Blake Fuller, Petronius, Theodore Winthrop, Jack Saul, Bayard Taylor, Clemence Dane, Lucas Malet, Harlan Cozad McIntosh
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Happy pride everyone!! 🏳️‍🌈

I am out and proud as a bisexual and still face discrimination.

“Oh but maybe you haven‘t found the right man” and people saying I‘m being indecisive and should pick a side. I‘ve been bi my whole life!

One of my friends was beaten unconscious coming home from a queer event when I lived in the UK. This is still happening and visibility is important so here‘s me!

Reminder: Pride was a riot! And we‘re still fighting.

LeeRHarry ❤️🏳️‍🌈 2mo
Jari-chan Happy Pride month! Keep fighting, keep being queer! 🌈❤️ 2mo
Bookwomble Happy Pride 😊🏳️‍🌈❤️ 2mo
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AmyG Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 2mo
Amor4Libros Happy Pride! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence 💗💗💗 2mo
Deblovestoread Happy pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 2mo
dabbe PRIDE and no prejudice. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 2mo
lil1inblue Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈 2mo
BarbaraBB ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 2mo
Hooked_on_books Happy Pride! It‘s so good to embrace who you are! 🏳️‍🌈 2mo
CarolynM ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 2mo
Kristy_K Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 2mo
Kitta @slategreyskies 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 1mo
slategreyskies Thank you for this! I love this photo of you! Happy Pride! 🌈💕☮️🦄✨ 1mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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#BOTM picked!! I really want to read this, I‘m loving the show. They only had the audiobook but I‘m trying to get into more audio reading so that‘s perfect!

Cant wait for the start of #camplitsy24 I‘m starting on Clear before tackling this!

Booksbymybed I keep hearing good things about this book! 2mo
Kitta @Booksbymybed me too! A friend recommended reading it and so I wanted a copy. 2mo
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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This one is heavy, bother literally and figuratively, at >700 pages, but it‘s worth it. But I loved it as I loved his last novel, Cutting for Stone.

This reminds me a bit of A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, an epic tail of loss and life. Which was written by my English teachers husband, and is fantastic if you get a chance to read it.

This novel follows 3 generations of an Indian family following their life‘s ups and downs.

Kitta A mysterious condition affects some members of the family, but that just serves as a backdrop to their lives.

There‘s a bit of medical stuff, like in his last novel, but it‘s all well explained and engaging.

Highly recommended
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Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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My reading buddy, Hazel, needs attention!

Making good progress on this. It‘s a huge book but so good! 550/700 pages in.


IndoorDame Hi hazel! 2mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2mo
Soubhiville Aw, sweetie 🐱 2mo
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Jari-chan What a great picture 😻 2mo
rubyslippersreads Hazel is adorable! 😻 2mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 2mo
dabbe Those eyes! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
peanutnine Omg 😻😻😻 2mo
CatLass007 Hazel 💗 🐾🐾🐾 2mo
Kitta Thank you all for your comments about Hazel! I‘ll give her extra head pats from all of you. @IndoorDame @Ruthiella @Soubhiville @Jari-chan @rubyslippersreads @Librarybelle @dabbe @peanutnine @CatLass007 2mo
CatLass007 Chin skritches too! 2mo
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Such a great bookstore!!

On main street in Huntsville, Onrtario, Canada. 🇨🇦

The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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Reading after canoeing in Algonquin Park, Canada, while my family goes on a hike! I like to paddle but hate hiking lol.

Loving this so far but I‘ve got a long way to go.

rockpools What a stunning spot! 2mo
lil1inblue Beautiful! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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I have access to ChatGPT for work this month so I decided to prompt DALLE to make a kawaii poster of my PhD research into the RNA expression of fish eggs development and this is what it gave me. 😂

It‘s so cute!

Lots of eggs, fish, and some graphs with hearts.

It‘s perfect. 🐟🥚❤️

AllDebooks That's wonderful 😊 Maybe if we presented all scientific data as kawaii, more people may be attracted to the subjects. 😅 2mo
Jari-chan It's so cute! 😍 2mo
Kitta @AllDebooks I would love to make my posters like this for conferences! Dalle wreaks havoc on words and data though, it‘s a disaster. You can see none of the words make sense if you zoom in. But I could crop a fish or an egg from it and include that haha 2mo
Kitta @Jari-chan isn‘t it?? Omg I made so many versions but this one is my favourite for the derpy fish. 2mo
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Managed to get a signed copy of All Fours for #camplitsy24 from B&N!

Can‘t wait!!

The holds for the library copies are like 24 weeks out so I decided just to splurge and buy physical copies of these two. I have holds for The Alternatives and James which should come just in time (fingers crossed!). I‘ve also maxed out the number of books I can have on hold across both library cards (NYPL and Brooklyn public library). Whoops 😅

BarbaraBB That is great! I am still waiting for Bear! 2mo
Megabooks Awesome!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 2mo
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Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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Three interconnected stories of women who are related, set in 1619, 1942, and 2019. The women face challenging scenarios and navigate their way through with the help of their connection to nature.

I devoured this and read it over the weekend, pausing for a bit to sleep.

A bit predictable, but in the way that was pleasing for me.

Trigger warnings for: rape, domestic violence, miscarriage, and more.

#BOTM #BOTY finalist

Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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Reading on the balcony!

Listening to the sweet sounds of construction across the street 😂

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Someone broke the little free library by my work! 😭


Librarybelle So sad! 2mo
Kitta @Librarybelle Im hoping it‘s fixed soon, I have books to drop off 2mo
Ruthiella Sad! 😞 2mo
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BookishMadHatter People can be the absolute worst sometimes. Not happy until they're making others unhappy 2mo
dabbe That just plain sucks. 😱 2mo
Kitta @Ruthiella @BookishMadHatter @dabbe I know so sad! 😭 People can be mean and stupid sometimes. It‘s very active and I check it twice a day because books move fast there (before and after work). Definitely hoping it has someone who cares for it officially and the door is replaced soon. I‘m tempted to do it myself but idk if there‘s a librarian for it. 2mo
5feet.of.fury Bummer ☹️ 2mo
Meshell1313 Ooh nooo. Terrible! 2mo
Bookwomble People can be such assholes at times! 😡 2mo
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Cut & Thirst | Margaret Atwood
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A fun short read about three retired professors eating cheese and drinking their favourite drinks and musing about…. Murder.

Only 35 pages and a great palate cleanser between longer reads.

This was my #firstreads selection for kindle in April.

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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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I was worried I wasn‘t going to get this in time for #camplitsy24 but my library purchased 7 additional copies!! I should get it in time now. 😅

Who else is excited for summer camp? ⛺️

Hooked_on_books Me! I‘m excited! 🙋🏼‍♀️ 3mo
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Cut & Thirst | Margaret Atwood
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My little personal heated blanket (Hazel) is preventing me from reaching my cross stitch (splayed over the rest of the couch) and my kindle (on the coffee table)!

I decided the best option was to read a short story on the kindle app on my phone, so I‘m starting the tagged.


Soubhiville She‘s beautiful. Those eyes 😍 3mo
ShelleyBooksie She is gorgeous 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin What a sweetie!😻 3mo
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Ruthiella 😻😻😻 3mo
AmyG A beauty! 3mo
dabbe #huggablehazel 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Kitta Thank you all! Hazel and my other kitty Willow are the best and demand cuddles constantly. Usually I end up with both in my lap but only Hazel likes the heating pad 😆 @Soubhiville @ShelleyBooksie @PurpleyPumpkin @Ruthiella @AmyG @dabbe 3mo
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