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Coincidence | David B Lyons
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Joy Stapleton is Ireland's most infamous prisoner.She was incarcerated for two life sentences, after the bodies of her two young sons were found buried in a shallow grave in the Dublin mountains.But she has always maintained her innocence, and argues the only reason she was ever arrested in the first place comes down to mere coincidence.But it's a coincidence that didn't convince detectives.A coincidence that didn't convince a jury.And a coincidence that hasn't impressed the inmates of Mountjoy prison.That is until eight years into her sentence, when new evidence emerges, and everybody - including Joy's long-suffering husband Shay - is forced into a rethink.Take your seat in the courtroom for the retrial of the century... and see just how wide you're willing to allow a coincidence stretch your beliefs...
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Coincidence | David B Lyons
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It is wild to me that the song Kill the Poor by Dead Kennedys features prominently in back to back books I‘ve read.

Leftcoastzen That is interesting! 3mo
Ruthiella That is a freakish coincidence ! 🤯 3mo
Decalino I call it "book synchronicity"-- love when that happens 3mo
vivastory It's funny you mention that bc I've had death metal mentioned in a few books I've read this year lol 3mo
Suet624 Wow! That‘s wild! 2mo
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