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Stealing Venice
Stealing Venice | Anna Erikssön Bendewald
1 post | 1 read
Nothing is what it appears to be in this lush destination thriller that takes readers into lives of the rich Venetians who live behind the ornate doors of their palazzos. Secrets are about to spin out of control. Contessa Giselle Verona jets between Paris and Venice creating dangerous sculptures that have gotten her banned from galleries, but collectors reach for their checkbooks to buy her next work of art. She lives a perfect life until an innocent artist is thrown up against her at a murder scene, and a powerful man she's never met decides to wage war against her in-laws. This suspenseful game of cat and mouse ricochets around sumptuous locales as family secrets draw in the Vatican, the Mafia and threatens the foundations of floating city itself.
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Stealing Venice | Anna Erikssön Bendewald
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I've been dealing with a lot of mental health problems and it led to me falling behind in my book reviews on Instagram. Now that I'm better, I'm finally hitting that massive backlog of ebooks I need to read and review! First up: "Stealing Venice" by Anna Erikssön Bendewald!

Megabooks Glad you‘re feeling better! 3y
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