A deep dive into one of my favorite shows ever!
A deep dive into one of my favorite shows ever!
Finished up this library e-book this week & really enjoyed it. It‘s a deep dive into the show so if you are a geek like me (it‘s my go-to comfort show) & want all the backstories you‘ll get them all. Told mostly by Brian Baumgartner (Kevin), there are times it gets a bit repetitive but it gave me new appreciation & lots of tiny “Easter eggs” to go back & watch for. It also made me realize that I that I had the earlier book (tagged in comments) ⬇️
First person to check it out from my library.
I needed a break between books so tonight I am watching tv. Watched an episode of Freaks and Geeks (how does this show only have two seasons?), and now am four episodes into The Office. I think it‘s been a month since I last watched tv as I spent 3 weeks at my parents and then it was Christmas. I was hoping to catch up to The Office Ladies podcast…but probably not going to happen.