Another day and another way to tell your reps to stand up for libraries & museums #ReadersAssemble 👇 https://app.oneclickpolitics.com/campaign-page?cid=9CyapZUB9sorxFLO4J0c&lang=en
Another day and another way to tell your reps to stand up for libraries & museums #ReadersAssemble 👇 https://app.oneclickpolitics.com/campaign-page?cid=9CyapZUB9sorxFLO4J0c&lang=en
Had to start this one today for obvious reasons lol 💚🇮🇪🍀
If you only read 1 Non-Fiction book this month, read this one! March is ‘Women‘s History Month‘ and this one packs a ton of amazing stories about kick-ass women into very readable chapters. Krefft‘s voice throughout the book is knowledgeable and genuine, being a history nerd is not required (but if you are, you‘ll doubly love this book!). Read it. Loved it. 100% Recommending it!!
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
Ugh, this week has been A WEEK! And Mercury turns retrograde starting tonight and that always bums me out 😖 My joys are tiny this week, but I found some:
1. Finished 1 great book and started another GREAT one
2. Didn‘t have to scrape ice off my windshield to drive to work
3. Coffee
4. A cardinal came to visit my bird feeder
5. Getting excited to see my family in IA in a few weeks for a 4-day weekend 🤩
This book was SO GOOD! I love reading a historical fiction book that makes me fall down a rabbit hole of needing to find out more. And nobody writes a multiple POV plot quite like Brianna Labuskes, in my opinion. We‘re introduced to Millie, Alice and Colette and how these brave, complicated women impacted not just their community BUT the whole state of Montana!
The world is still a roaring dumpster fire, but for the next 45 minutes, I‘m going to unwind in the sunshine with a great book and a summery drink ☀️🍋🟩📖
Of course I checked to see if my library hold was available before taking my lunch, and it wasn‘t. I check now (with no time left to go get it because I‘m my own worst enemy) and yep, now it‘s available
🤪🫠 Hurry up, 5:00!!!
Is it possible to get whiplash from a book? I went in thinking (based solely on the cover and summary) that this was going to be a fluffy, “behind the scenes of Hollywood” type book. And while it was the latter, it is most definitely not fluffy. There is real, raw emotion with all of the characters, and they‘re so well formed that I was trying to match them to a real celebrity. I‘m looking forward to my bookclub‘s discussion on this.
Had to share this from Instagram 😂 I will stop reading when this happens and move on #InstantDNF
📸: https://www.instagram.com/bookstrofficial?igsh=aTkwaHRhamozY2Fp
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. I got 4 boxes of my favorite Girl Scout cookies this week! AND I haven‘t eaten them all yet 😂
2. I am on Day 5 of staying off Facebook. I realized that app doesn‘t bring me any joy anymore so, bye-bye 👋
3. I‘m seeing my favorite Aunt tomorrow for breakfast & thrifting! She‘s actually my husband‘s Aunt, but I‘ve claimed her as my own 🥰
This was such a creative, fun read! There were a few passages that transitioned kinda rough; I‘m not sure if that‘s a result of it being translated or if that was intentional. All in all, a fun read and I can‘t wait for Book 2 to publish later this spring!! ***CORRECTED AFTER POSTING*** Pictured here are some of the main characters: Othello, Miss Maple, the flock consisting of Heather, Maude, Zora, and finally Mopple the Whale.
#TopReads2025 continues with my February pick 🥁🥁🥁 ‘Tartufo‘ 🙌 I didn‘t have any expectations going in besides the author of ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures‘ recommended it on her Instagram stories and gave a cover blurb. It was very quirky and fun and had some real heartwarming moments too. Don‘t read it if your hungry though, her descriptions of pasta will make your mouth water 🤤🍝
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. My Canadian Forest track on my BetterSleep app. My jaw immediately unclenches when I turn it on 😆
2. Started a very funny, quirky mystery called “Three Bags Full” 🐑💚🐏
3. Warmer weather this week, opened all the windows in the house to air out 🌬️
4. Successfully transferred my old iPhone 11 data to my new iPhone 16 💪 No crying or stress!! Woo!
5. -See Below-
The first of my haul from the Barnes & Noble preorder sale arrived today #Bookmail #PerfectTiming
Based on what @TEArificbooks said in their review, I went into this with low expectations. I was just looking for a fluffy, non-challenging read, and I still bailed 😑 I agree with Melanie 100%, the trivia bits were fun but there wasn‘t a single character I cared about. I love this premise, but I feel like Clare Pooley or Freya Sampson could‘ve done it better. Definitely check out their books for great characters and a fun plot! #Hailthebail 🚀
This book comes out in May ‘25 and if you‘ve enjoyed the other two books in this series, you‘ll enjoy this one too! Just as an fyi, there is a note at the beginning stating that this is a stand-alone novel BUT the solution to ‘Magpie Murders‘ (Book 1) is revealed. I really appreciated not having to re-read the previous 2 books, Horowitz provides background on everything so no recap is needed 👍 You can just dive in!
LOL! I love when you read a book and you find a little bread crumb from a recently read book 😂 I get this reference now, but definitely wouldn‘t have a month ago #christiecapers @Librarybelle
I‘ve finally set up my new bookshelf 🙌 Still moving in, but we allllll know that‘s a work in progress forever 🤪 I had to laugh when my husband said, “Well, just make sure this room doesn‘t get too cluttered” and I replied, “Oh, we passed that about 50 books ago” 🤣
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. Spent the past weekend with family in IA and got to hang out with my cat sister, Millie
2. Finished 1 amazing book (‘Tartufo‘) and started another great book (‘Marble Hall Murders‘)
3. Warm weather is on its way (highs in the 30s - 40s F)
4. Went to bar trivia with my hubby 2 times this week and we didn‘t come in last both nights
Themes: Family, Food, Fungi
“What does one do upon finding the world‘s biggest epicurean diamond?” This story was a delight from beginning to end! I loved all the characters, their zany personalities and the beautiful setting of the rural medieval village of Lazzarini Boscarino. Definitely a five star read, the cover is just as beautiful as the story inside
I LOVED this book! After finishing it I immediately added the rest of the series to my library TBR list 👍 I can‘t wait to discuss it @Librarybelle #christiecapers
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. Hubby and I are going to visit my family in IA for the long weekend
2. I bought myself another bookshelf AND I haven‘t filled it up yet!
3. The snow we got on Wed wasn‘t as bad as they were predicting (forecast was for 3-5” and we got 2.5”)
4. A problem project at work actually ended up being fixed with our “best case scenario” which never happens 😂
5. The joy of knowing that 48.4% of voters did not vote for 🍑🤡
I am LOVING this book @Librarybelle #christiecapers I didn‘t know I wanted an Agatha Christie meets PG Wodehouse book, but here we are and I LOVE IT! I‘m going to add the rest this series to my TBR 🙌
My best friend saw this book as an Amazon Prime First Reads and she told me about it, which I‘m glad she did because sadly, I don‘t think this would‘ve crossed my radar - it pub‘d 2/1 and I have yet to see anything about it on my usual channels 😔. It intrigued me so I bought a copy and I enjoyed it so much!! I don‘t want to say too much because I‘ll end up spoiling something, all I‘ll say is if my themes below interest you, READ THIS BOOK! 🤐
1. The B&N.com preorder sale finally happened!! Yay!! Love having #bookmail to look forward to 🥰
2. I found an ARC of Anthony Horowitz‘s upcoming “Marble Hall Murders” and I can‘t wait to devour it!!
3. The houseplants that I divided and repotted last week are all still alive!
4. Looking forward to a low-key weekend that‘s not jam-packed with stuff to do
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
Consider yourself tagged if you‘d like to share!
Themes: Oceans 11 meets Downton Abbey, Early 20th century London, Women settling scores
I read Alex‘s debut work in 2023 (“The Housekeepers”) and enjoyed it enough to be excited for his next book. As soon as I could I put a hold at my library for this and… -sad trombone- 🫠 It wasn‘t bad, I didn‘t consider bailing on it, but it wasn‘t amazing.
Yay!! So stoked for some upcoming #bookmail 🥳🙌 25% off preorders today through 2/7 at Barnes & Noble (online only!!!)
#TopReads2025 kicks off with my first five star read of the year 🥁🥁🥁 ‘Death in the Downline‘ 🙌 It was fun and an unexpectedly gripping read - I couldn‘t put it down once I started. Highly recommend for a fast-paced read that‘ll leave you thinking about it after you finish it, check this one out 👍
Love a little ‘lunch hour library hold pick-up‘ date 🥰🤩
I haven‘t devoured a book in what seems like ages, but I sure did with this one! If it was a Netflix show I would‘ve been pressing the “Yes, I‘m still watching” option and would‘ve binged the whole series in a night 😂 This is such a great read! It has it all; an awesome (and believable) plot, great characters and fantastic story telling, you have to keep turning the pages to find out what happens next. A five star read!!
@debinhawaii #5joysfriday
I was off on Monday (MLK Jr Day) and enjoyed a lovely day of reading 🥰
I cooked dinner every night this week 🙌
I cleaned my house and it looks great 🧼
I was able to WFH every day this week 💻
I have a clear conscience because I didn‘t vote for “he who shall not be named” and that JOY in itself feels AMAZING 🥳 I hope we make it through these next 4 years (1,458 days), these last 5 days sucked more than I prepared for.
Ugh, preaching to the choir, Poirot 🥶🥶🥶
Going into this book you will need to suspend all belief that this unexpected adventure could actually happen 😆 However, this is a very entertaining read! I recently watched “The Man on the Inside” on Netflix and this has very similar vibes to it; retired amateur sleuth, great location (Chicago instead of San Francisco though), and good characters. A pick once you relax and just go with the flow of the entertaining absurdity 👍
Alexa is telling me it‘s currently 7 degrees F with a real feel of 5 degrees F. Well, that‘s my day sorted 😂👍 If you‘re in the polar vortex, I hope you‘re staying warm & cozy today! 🥶🧦🧣🧤
I saw this on Facebook and it made me giggle 😆 You just never know when you can sneak a few pages in 😎
Themes: Historical Fiction, Dual Timelines & Multiple POVs, Magical Realism
This book made me laugh, made me tear up, made me angry, but I loved it! Usually with mutilple POVs there‘s always “that” character that I dread when their name is on the chapter heading, but I loved Opaline (even though I kept wanted to call her Ovaltine), Martha and Henry. And Madame Bowden too! A solid pick to read if you want something truly magical!
This was a great book to borrow from the library; it was good but not one I‘d need to own to re-read again. I loved Veronica (I don‘t know what it says about me that when I see ‘Curmudgeon but charming old woman‘ in a book summary I instantly think, “I have to read this!!”), she was feisty and fun. My only complaint was that this book dragged for me in the middle. All in all, it‘s a soft pick for me.
Themes: Golden Age Murder Mystery, Hercule Poirot & Hastings
I read this for January‘s #ChristieCapers - I can‘t wait for our discussion on 1/26 🤐🔎🙌
Themes: Translated Murder Mystery, Seniors Sleuthing Around, Darkly Funny
This book has been on my TBR list for a while and while visiting my family in IA for Christmas we ended up at Barnes & Noble (the family that reads together, stays together 🤓), and I bought this. It was quirky and funny but dark and addressed serious topics; a total mix! I‘ll definitely keep reading this series, if for nothing else to get some more time with Hettie 💚🐢💚
#TopReads2024 continues with my December pickS (yep, I couldn‘t decide between 2 so I picked both 😆) 🎄👻⛓️🎅🏼🎁🧸🚂🎊☕️🫖
1. “Jacob T. Marley” by R. William Bennett
2. “Hercule Poirot's Silent Night: A Novel (The New Hercule Poirot Mystery)” By Sophie Hannah
Both of these books were so good I didn‘t want to put them down, even with all the insanity that December brings. I‘m so happy I ended the year with two “Picks”!!
Themes: Hercule Poirot, Christmas Murder Mystery, Decaying English Manor
This was a fun read! I started it on Christmas Eve and didn‘t want to put it down (I did for family stuff, but it was hard 😂). I personally liked Sophie Hannah‘s Poirot and Catchpool, I‘m adding her other works to my TBR pile 👍
My parents have since Day 1 supported my passion for reading 🥰 I always look forward to one of my Christmas gifts from them being a box of new books for the year ahead, and this year was another HIT 🙌 I always have such a hard time choosing which one to read first 😂 #ReaderProblems (They also gave me a Book planter but I haven‘t put a plant in yet, so enjoy my amateur photoshop skills 😂)
Themes: Christmas Noir Mystery (but satire), Over the top humor, Fantasy
This was a quirky read, I enjoyed it but it wouldn‘t need to be a yearly re-read. It really made me want to re-watch every Christmas movie it referenced, and there were a lot mentioned!
Themes: Silly take on the Christmas carol, Fun storytelling, Humorous/Doesn‘t take itself too seriously
The storytelling and pacing in this read was spot-on, I‘m not sure if that compliment goes to Mr Patterson or Mr Safran because I haven‘t read many of Patterson‘s books, but this was SO FUN! I‘d love a sequel in which the Sullivan family deal with another Christmas carol 😂❤️💚❤️💚❤️
I am pleasantly surprised that I loved this book of short stories. Usually I enjoy the first story and maybe a few at the end, but in this case, the chunk of middle stories were my favorite! I was planning to just read a story a day, but like an advent calendar, I gobbled them up as soon as I could 😂 Highly recommend this for a festive stocking stuffer!
Christmas gift shopping done ✅
Christmas gift wrapping started ✅
Christmas cards written, envelopes addressed & stamped ✅
Found an amazing Christmas themed ambiance YouTube channel and am now enjoying some downtime with a good Christmas book ✅✅✅
I found this book when I Googled, “Christmas books that aren‘t romance” and if there was ever proof of the right book finding you at the right time, this is it! This book is wonderful and written so perfectly, it‘ll warm your heart on a chilly Dec. night 🥰 Halfway through I bought my own copy so I can re-read it every Christmas- there‘s only 1 copy in my inter-loan library system (100 libraries!!), I just hope it finds another reader before 12/25