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La plus secrète mémoire des hommes
La plus secrète mémoire des hommes | Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
6 posts | 6 read | 5 to read
"En 2018, Diégane Latyr Faye, jeune écrivain sénégalais, découvre à Paris un livre mythique, paru en 1938 : Le labyrinthe de l'inhumain. On a perdu la trace de son auteur, qualifié en son temps de 'Rimbaud nègre', depuis le scandale que déclencha la parution de son texte. Diégane s'engage alors, fasciné, sur la piste du mystérieux T.C. Elimane, se confrontant aux grandes tragédies que sont le colonialisme ou la Shoah. Du Sénégal à la France en passant par l'Argentine, quelle vérité l'attend au centre de ce labyrinthe? Sans jamais perdre le fil de cette quête qui l'accapare, Diégane, à Paris, fréquente un groupe de jeunes auteurs africains : tous s'observent, discutent, boivent, font beaucoup l'amour, et s'interrogent sur la nécessité de la création à partir de l'exil. Il va surtout s'attacher à deux femmes : la sulfureuse Siga, détentrice de secrets, et la fugace photojournaliste Aïda... D'une perpétuelle inventivité, La plus secrète mémoire des hommes est un roman étourdissant, dominé par l'exigence du choix entre l'écriture et la vie, ou encore par le désir de dépasser la question du face-à-face entre Afrique et Occident. Il est surtout un chant d'amour à la littérature et à son pouvoir intemporel."--Page 4 of cover.
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An aspiring writer comes across an unusual book that captivates him, sending this crackling book into motion as we learn more about the book and it‘s author. It moves from character to character and place to place as the story of the book and author come together. I really liked this one; it moved along faster than I expected.

NBA longlist, translated fiction

BethM You have snow?! 8mo
LiteraryinLawrence Whoa! It‘s going to be 80 degrees where I live on Saturday (New Jersey, so a place that should be fall weather)! 8mo
Hooked_on_books @BethM @LiteraryinLawrence I‘m in Montana, visiting the in-laws. It snowed and the temps stayed down, so it stuck around. Beautiful, huh? (I‘m definitely not in Hawaii right now! 😂) 8mo
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I don't usually read the Goncourt nominées, but that was a présent 2 years ago. Giving it a shot and i have an easier book waiting after that.

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Literary mystery, referencing Bolaño‘s Savage Detectives & Yambo Ouologuem. Young Senegalese writer Diégane Faye traverses Europe researching life of T.C. Elimane, obscure author of haunting novel “Le Labyrinthe de l‘inhumain.†Literature as obsession, African writers‘ pressure to represent entire country/continent, author as god, as demon, ghosts, fate, coincidence, immigrants, literature as homeland. Remarkable reflections on lit & writing. 2021

BarbaraBB This sounds so good! 2y
Pinta SO good! A writer‘s/reader‘s book for sure, obsession with other writers, choosing between life vs. writing, immigrant choices. Sex scenes on the cheesy side, but hey 😄Work fast, translators! (edited) 2y
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Winner of the Goncourt 2021, this book is about the journey of a man obsess by the life of the author T.C. Elimane who wrote “Le labyrinthe de l‘inhumainâ€. This will lead him to a compelling discovery about identity, immigration and the real meaning of being an author. Breathtaking!

Dilara Welcome to Litsy! Glad you enjoyed La plus secrète mémoire des hommes: I thought it was fantastic! 2y
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I'm about halfway through La plus secrète mémoire des hommes by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, the latest Prix Goncourt (the most distinguished French literary prize). It was inspired by Yambo Ouologuem (pictured here), a Malian writer who was awarded the Prix Renaudot in 1968 at the age of 28, and then disappeared from literary life.


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