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The Country Housewife's Book
The Country Housewife's Book: How to Make the Most of Country Produce and Country Fare | Lucy Helen Yates
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Just a simple, sweet #PersephonePick to kick off the year. I love this look into domestic life of the past, and I marvel at the knowledge of our foremothers. This book is largely a how-to primer on preserving, bottling, pickling, drying, and cooking, with a nice section on keeping a garden; but it also made me reflect on modern industrialized agriculture and asks me: is my personal convenience worth it? What can I learn- and use- of the info here?

LeahBergen What a pretty photo! 3y
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Hello, Persephone-lovers! It's time to officially kick off our 2022 #PersephonePick read! You can participate in any way that makes sense to you- choose any titles and schedule you'd like, and use the tag #PersephonePick to discuss. I'll be reading one per month, and am starting off easy with the tagged book. You might read one for the year, or take part every other month- whatever works! Drop your title in the comments, and let's get started! 👇

Andrea313 If you'd like to start with a #BuddyRead, you can join @Ruthiella @elkeOriginal and @rubyslippersreads for 3y
elkeOriginal We haven‘t started the buddyread yet but will do so soonish! Plus we are testing out the buddyread feature in StoryGraph so if you want to join here or there just let me know! @quietjenn @KristiAhlers @AnneCecilie @Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen @Ruthiella @rubyslippersreads 3y
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quietjenn Ah, this will be lovely! I just read (and loved) Mariana a few months ago, so won't do the buddy read, but an going to try to read least six (and perhaps more!) over the year. Will probably start with Miss Pettigrew, as it's probably the title that introduced me to Persephone (and which I thought I'd read, but actually recently realized that I hadn't ...). 3y
Andrea313 @quietjenn I hope you love Miss Pettigrew, and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on it! I might re-read that this year myself. ❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Like @quietjenn , I read Mariana last year so I won‘t be joining the buddy read. Let me see… which will be my first Persephone of the year? 🤔 I‘ll check in this afternoon on this post again and let you all know! I‘m hoping to read 6 Persephones this year. 🤞 3y
LeahBergen @quietjenn Miss Pettigrew was the first Persephone I bought but not the first one I read. I think Miss Buncle‘s Book was the first? 3y
quietjenn @LeahBergen that was my first D.E. Stevenson, but it wasn't as a Persephone. 3y
LeahBergen @quietjenn And it was my first DE Stevenson, too. 😊 3y
LeahBergen I‘ve decided! I‘m going with nonfiction as I have a few works of fiction on the go already. 3y
Andrea313 @LeahBergen Oooh, I'm intrigued! That's a title I don't own; can't wait for your review. ❤️📚 3y
catebutler Ooh! I think I‘ll definitely have to participate in this one!! Now to go browse my shelves. ☺️📚 3y
catebutler And, I‘d love to be added to the buddy read too! I have read Mariana. But it‘s been a few years. 3y
Andrea313 @elkeOriginal @rubyslippersreads @Ruthiella Count one more in for your buddy read- @catebutler wants to join! 3y
catebutler @Andrea313 Thank you!! 🥰 3y
Jess_Read_This Thanks for the tag @elkeOriginal and seeing as you know I have a copy of Mariana… count me in on the buddy read. When do we start? 3y
elkeOriginal Super! StoryGraph has a limit of 5 for buddyreads so we are set to play with that feature once I link to you lovely guinea pigs! @Jess_Read_This @catebutler @rubyslippersreads @Ruthiella (edited) 3y
elkeOriginal @catebutler If you set your SG preferences to accept buddyreads then we will be in business. THX! 3y
catebutler @elkeOriginal Just updated my buddy read setting, so it should work now! I‘m catebutler on there too! 3y
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