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Underwater Wild
Underwater Wild: My Octopus Teacher's Extraordinary World | Craig Foster, Ross Frylinck
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From the creators of the Academy Award-winning documentary My Octopus Teacher, an immersive journey into the underwater world that inspired it--and holds transformative lessons for us all Craig Foster and Ross Frylinck regularly dive together in the awe-inspiring kelp forests off South Africa, without wetsuits or oxygen tanks. Craig had dived this way for years, including alongside the octopus that inspired My Octopus Teacher. In Ross, he found a kindred spirit, someone who also embraced the ancient methods of acclimating his body to frigid waters, but whose eyes had not yet adjusted to the transcendent wonder Craig saw each time they dove. In the heart-wrenching stories that make up this unforgettable book, we swim alongside Ross as he grows from skeptic to student of the underwater wild. And in the revelatory marine science behind the stunning photos, we learn how to track sea hares, cuttlefish, and limpets, and we witness strange new behaviors never before documented in marine biology. We realize that a whole world of wonder, and an innate wildness within us all, emerge anew when we simply observe. My Octopus Teacher has captivated millions who long to connect with the natural world. Now, with Underwater Wild, the divers behind the film reveal a new vision of the sea, one full of wonder, new insights into marine biology, and life-changing teachings for even the most land-bound of us.
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This is bound to be an unpopular opinion, but this book was not what I expected. The text interspersed with the photos was more memoir than educational (not something I enjoy) and the photography was not as aesthetically pleasing to me as other nature books I‘ve seen. Not all of the pictures were captioned (including some that I wish were captioned) and there was one caption that pushed this from a so-so to a pan. 👇🏻

DGRachel In describing a sea swallow, the author states “the literature says that these nudibranches are dangerous to humans, but they have touched my bare skin a few times and I‘ve experienced no adverse effects”. I find this to be irresponsible. 2y
Bookzombie I had to go look up a sea swallow, but I agree. Just because he was fortunate does not mean it will be that way for all. 2y
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I went to pick up my library hold and my branch had a display for Earth Day right next to the hold shelf. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a marine biologist so how was I supposed to resist this? 🤩

Aimeesue 🐙 I will read anything with an octopus on the cover 😁 (edited) 2y
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I‘ve seen a lot of love for the documentary My Octopus Teacher here. There‘s now a photography book about the South African kelp forest area where it was filmed! There‘s quite a bit of reading in this one too, more than most photo books I‘ve read.

Some of the pictures are murky, because that‘s the nature of this part of the ocean. But there are clear photos of some remarkable creatures too, many I‘ve never heard of before.

👍👍 #recommend!

Soubhiville Content warning- depression, animal deaths 2y
KristiAhlers Stacking! 2y
MemoirsForMe Beautiful photos! 2y
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