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Adina | Henry James, Pilar Lafuente, Jorge Ordaz
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Sam Scrope, an American traveling through Italy with a friend, finds himself near Lake Albano with Angelo, a young peasant who possesses an ancient object of great value: an engraved gem, an intaglio. Scrope cunningly succeeds in taking the antique for himself, and soon thereafter meets a young American tourist, Adina Waddington, with whom he falls in love and to whom he offers the topaz. But Angelo, wizened to the true value of the intaglio and offended by the trick he has been subjected to, prepares his vengeance. Told through the eyes of Scrope's traveling companion, this story offers a subtle game of passions, as well as an example of the confrontation between two worlds and two mentalities: the American one and the one from the old continent. Sam Scrope, un americano que viaja por Italia en compaa de un amigo, se encuentra cerca del lago Albano con un muchacho campesino llamado Angelo, el cual posee un objeto antiguo de gran valor: un topacio labrado, un intaglio. Arteramente, Scrope logra hacerse con la antigedad y poco despus conoce a una joven turista americana, Adina Waddington, de la que se enamora y a la que obsequia con el topacio. Pero Angelo, enterado del valor real del intaglio y ofendido por el engao de que fue objeto, prepara su venganza. Contada a travs de la mirada del compaero de viaje de Scrope, la historia ofrece un sutil juego de pasiones, as como una muestra de la confrontacin entre dos mundos y dos mentalidades: la americana y la del viejo continente.
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Adina | Henry James, Pilar Lafuente, Jorge Ordaz
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1. I like my name & haven‘t thought much about changing it. I have names I use online & when I need something easy to spell/pronounce, but if I were to actually change my name I‘d look for something gender neutral.
2. It turns out Henry James wrote a story w my name as the title character. Must track down a copy!
Thx for the tag @Eggs If you‘re reading this consider yourself tagged. I‘d love to know what name everyone would choose! #TwoForTuesday

Eggs YW 🙏🏻 2mo
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