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Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece
Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece | Tom Hanks
4 posts | 4 read | 1 reading
From the Academy Award-winning actor and bestselling author: his debut novel. The story of the making of a colossal, star-studded, multimillion-dollar superhero action film . . . and the humble comic book that inspired it. PART ONE of this story takes place in 1947. A troubled soldier, returning from the war, meets his talented five-year-old nephew, leaves an indelible impression and then disappears for twenty-three years. Cut to 1970: The nephew, now drawing underground comic books in Oakland, California, reconnects with his uncle and, remembering the comic book he saw when he was five, draws a new version with his uncle as a World War II fighting hero. Cut to the present day: A commercially successful director discovers the 1970 comic book and decides to turn it into a contemporary superhero movie. Cue the cast: We meet the film's extremely difficult male star, his wonderful leading lady, the eccentric writer/director, the producer, the gofer production assistant and everyone else on both sides of the camera. Funny, touching and wonderfully thought-provoking, this is a novel not only about the making of a movie, but also about the changes in America and American culture since World War II. Bonus material: interspersed throughout are the three comic books that are featured in the story--all created by Hanks himself--including the comic book that becomes the official tie-in to this novel's major motion picture masterpiece.
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This is supposedly about the making of a movie, but I‘m 70 pages in and no movie yet. I can‘t even quite figure out who the main character is exactly. LOTS of words and unnecessary footnotes, piles upon piles of tiny details and chatty stories, but feels aimless. Maybe I just need to try this another time? Maybe not. Bailing for now.

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This was a very interesting book to read and review. Depending on where I was it was either a “meh” or “SO GOOD!”. I was confused for the first 15 pages then started to enjoy it and then was confused again but I ended up really enjoying this book. It‘s one that I think is hard to recommend. I‘ll give it a solid 4 stars and I‘ll let someone more articulate review it 😁

Aims42 Themes: Character-driven story, Hollywood, Behind the Scenes 13mo
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Let‘s see…

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That caption 😂

📸 Tom Hanks IG

Aims42 Can‘t wait, it sounds good! 2y
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