I remember watching the film when I was younger and Werewolf films were all the rage. It was so long ago, but I seem to remember it was more ecological and thoughtful than this book which is straight up pulpy horror. I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I remember watching the film when I was younger and Werewolf films were all the rage. It was so long ago, but I seem to remember it was more ecological and thoughtful than this book which is straight up pulpy horror. I enjoyed it nonetheless.
My #tbr this 24-hour #readathon
Plus the tagged book, which is on my kindle.
I'm halfway through 'Salem's Lot and would like to finish it this weekend, but I'll probably take breaks to read some of the other books.
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I'm underwhelmed by this book, I found it boring and predictable.
It isn't awful exactly, but it isn't terribly interesting either. All in all, it's okay as long as you're not expecting compelling characters, a riveting plot, sharp prose, or anything else particularly special. It's a solid "Meh" from me.
Book is pretty dumb so far, but once in a while there's a nice sentence..
#hauntedbooktober #2 October TBR 1down so far! https://respekt1111.com/2016/10/01/october-to-read-horror-in-all-the-right-place... #octoberbookchallengr #tbr #october
I read this after one of SGJ's lectures, purely for the police procedural with a pack of werewolves in NYC aspect of it--and it achieves on that level. Fun. Goofy. Over explanatory dialogue. A dash of Cover Your Ass police politics. Love Triangles. And passages written from the wolf's POV, reminiscent of Benchley's Jaws, which isn't a compliment, but I dug it in a Movie of the Week kind of way. Non-pretentious fun. Sit Ubu, sit.
I had to quit 120 pages in and I'm kind of annoyed I hung on that long. The bad writing really killed me. In fact after a while I started skimming over the looong paragraphs that droned on about what every single character thought and felt about everything. And then suddenly there's a jarring passage telling readers about what a "mysterious" wolf pack thinks and feels about everything. Not creepy, not suspenseful, not fun. Just no.