Found a #pantone2025 match for this recent read!
Found a #pantone2025 match for this recent read!
Olivia, an elderly former soap star, asks her daughter Rachel, to drive her to Memphis to see Graceland one more time. Rachel refuses because she‘s vowed to never to return to Memphis after leaving when she was 18. Olivia then ropes her 16
y/o granddaughter, Dylan, into the trip, promising to uncover the truth behind a lie Rachel has been telling Dylan her whole life. This was good, fun family dysfunction!
A hysterical, dysfunctional family comedy. The introverted Hope can never please her ex-soap star mother even when she tries to guilt trip her to take her to Graceland to honor the late Elvis Presley. Instead, the grandmother convinces her queer teenage granddaughter to take her on a road trip to see the King of Rock and Roll. Now pursuing her elderly mother and daughter, she enlists her crossdressing bestie in a misadventure of secrets and truths