Extreme horror centering around a group of Marine Corps vets who meet up a few years after returning home from service. I would have liked this to have been longer, but it still packed a punch.
Extreme horror centering around a group of Marine Corps vets who meet up a few years after returning home from service. I would have liked this to have been longer, but it still packed a punch.
Tragic. Raw. Gripping. Emotional.
What makes this book so terrifying is that the events that unfold could really happen. John Lynch has written a powerful story here. Read this!!!! #horror #johnlynch #thewarriorretreat #millitarysplatteterpunk #splatterpunk #slasher #bookreview #bookrecommendation
“Some wounds don‘t heal…”
New book from a new author! The Warrior Retreat. John is a veteran and writes horror. I saw him on the Dead Headspace podcast and had to have it. He considers this to be military splatterpunk. I can‘t wait to start it.
#horror #johnlynch #militarysplatterpunk