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One Girl In All The World (Volume 2)
One Girl In All The World (Volume 2) | Kendare Blake
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"A worthy successor to the Slayer stories." Booklist (starred review for In Every Generation) #1 New York Times best-selling author Kendare Blake returns to New Sunnydale in this sequel to In Every Generation, set in the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Frankie Rosenberg is the world's first slayer-witch, but she doesn't have that slay-life balance figured out just yet. She's still reeling from the deadly explosion at the annual slayer retreatand new evidence that some slayers may have survived. And while she's defeated her first Big Bad, Frankie soon realizes it was just a warm up actand bigger, badder forces of evil are only just getting started. The Hellmouth has been reawakened, inter-dimensional portals are opening, and an oracle warns of a new foe on its way: the Darkness. Could this be what attacked the slayers? And is it coming for Frankie?
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4 ⭐ Welcome back to the Buffy world and back to the Frankie lead Scooby gang. They know what happened at the last slayer retreat, they even kind of know what happened to some of the other slayers. Frankie has a new watcher and her new watcher is SPIKE!!!. While we know from the first book that Willow aged up Spike‘s face and magically changed his cloths to tweed, he gets even more into his 40-year-old teaching persona.

LibrarianRyan He‘s not quite Giles, but he substitutes for him very well. Demons are coming back. The hell mouth is at least active, and more and more demons are coming around and we meet a new demon. Technically not a new demon, a very old demon. Older than Angel, but with powers and a good intention. The Scooby gang finds out about something called The Darkness and their role in book 2 is to figure out who the darkness is and how they can be defeated. 5d
LibrarianRyan This was a great continuation to the first book and once again it doesn‘t end on a cliffhanger, and the story doesn‘t end so have book three ready and waiting.

persephone1408 I couldn‘t get into the second one. 5d
LibrarianRyan @persephone1408 I ended up listening to 1&2 at the same time by accident. I kept going back and forth without realizing it. It was odd and stupid but apparently worked. It wasn‘t purposeful that‘s for sure. 4d
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Just finished the Slayers audio production on Audible and LOVED it. Really hope there's a season 2. But in the meantime... I just realized there's a sequel to Blake's book! Here we go.

monalyisha I did not respond to Slayers in the same way that you did…but I‘m so grateful to find someone else who has listened! I just finished and I‘ve been reading reviews for the past 45 minutes straight. 😅 6mo
ShyBookOwl @monalyisha LOL Guessing u weren't quite as fond. How are the reviews? I haven't looked up any, but I've been there with other books, just scrolling review after review, wondering IS IT JUST ME?! 6mo
monalyisha @ShyBookOwl They‘re largely favorable but there are a few people who feel the same way I do (which you better believe I scoured for 😅). There was even a singular critique of Anthony Head‘s performance, which I couldn‘t *believe* I wanted to criticize…but I did — and so did they! One entitled “A cute train wreck” made me giggle. 6mo
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ShyBookOwl @monalyisha Aw lol Poor Giles. I assumed it was because he's aging, maybe even sick. It was striking but I was more concerned than bothered 6mo
monalyisha @ShyBookOwl That‘s very empathetic of you! I think his character is one that would naturally age up, so it was a bummer to me that he just didn‘t sound like the Giles I remembered (tonally). I guess it‘s good I didn‘t do a rewatch first; then, I would have been even harsher. 🙈 6mo
ShyBookOwl @monalyisha 😅 I was just glad he was there 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have a feeling he won't be in the follow-up if there is one, though 6mo
monalyisha @ShyBookOwl At the end, Dru revealed that she had Vamp Giles as prisoner, though! 6mo
ShyBookOwl @monalyisha omg so true! I forgot 😅 6mo
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Pleasant surprise this morning... I randomly checked in on my Amazon Lists and realized that book 2 of this series was not only out, but available through Kindle Unlimited 😊 Not a bad way to start a Monday.

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I gotta say, I think this might be a three coloured book for #eyespybingo but does “slayer” count as an occasion? 🤔 either way, another book down for #bookspinbingo (great series btw, can‘t recommend it enough for any Buffy Fans)

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 13mo
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The second book in Blake‘s next gen Buffy series is a great follow up! It‘s not quite as good as book 1, but still for sure a solid pick. Many demons known from the show pop up in this one, which is fun. She does a good combination of resolving certain story lines and giving hints to what‘s coming. I can‘t wait for the next book!

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I tried really hard, but I didn‘t read the first book in the series and I couldn‘t get into the mythos of this.

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Do I have STACKS of books I should be reviewing for work? Yes. Do I have ARCs that I should read right now? Also yes. Am I reading a new Buffy book despite not reading the comic in forever so I feel a little lost? Definitely.

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