This was hysterical and so so discouraging at times. When she says “you can‘t outrun your gender” I feel she is sadly very very right. Highly recommended.
This was hysterical and so so discouraging at times. When she says “you can‘t outrun your gender” I feel she is sadly very very right. Highly recommended.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ When Coulter had her introvert epiphany, I totally related. Same thing happened to me at about 30 years old and it was honestly life changing. Here, Coulter exposes her 10+ years at Amazon, starting in the early days, and quickly climbing. I appreciate the insight, and inside info, but this was just okay.
I‘ve been bailing on a lot of books this month, but I took a chance on this with an Audible credit. I‘m so glad I did!
Coulter gives a wryly humorous and enlightening account of her 10 years at Amazon. That company is completely crazy, and I‘m not sure how anyone could survive there as long as she did! She worked in their copywriting department, publishing arm, corporate training and a few others. Equal parts fascinating and funny!
An intense book about a smart, ambitious woman‘s experience working at Amazon corp from 2006-2018. She is drily witty & brutally honest.
The fact that a woman THIS accomplished could not get promoted made me want to tear my hair out.
The men who need a good kick in the 🍒 enraged me. The harshness of ‘femaling‘ in that environment!
But it is just as much about her—her smarts, ambition, and lovely husband. But no wonder AMZ drove her to drink…
i absolutely inhaled this book, AND i have 2 critiques, one big & one “i wish it was a different kind of book.”
Coulter is hilarious, thoughtful & pretty direct about her experiences. her POV on AMZ is enlightening, her gradual awareness of the price of overwork spot-on. but she focuses solely on femaleness in tech, never mentions race — a huge miss, to me. she also doesn‘t talk more systemically like, say, DROP THE BALL, which i would have loved
Starting this one (and will likely finish it, unlike the other recent books because it expires soon).