This was just ok. The author spends too much time ruminating over stupid life choices when she could have written a decent travel memoir. I saw this in an airport and it ended up on my library wish list.
This was just ok. The author spends too much time ruminating over stupid life choices when she could have written a decent travel memoir. I saw this in an airport and it ended up on my library wish list.
First book of the new year 🎉 Too bad it wasn't a hit 😕 I wanted to like this sooo much more than I did. She briefly mentions some of her travels but the focus is more on her relationship woes and dreams of being a writer. This reads like a worshipper of Bourdain, Gilbert, and Strayed who traveled just so she could write about her experiences, but she didn't say much about what those experiences were. I was a wee but inspired, so not all bad ✈️
Although this contained more of Nikki Vargas' love life/relationship struggles than I expected, I still really enjoyed her memoir. This has been a year of reevaluating my career path and trying to push myself to pursue what I've always wanted to do, so Vargas' personal journey and growth was a lot of what I needed to hear right now. Plus, I loved the stories from her travels! They resonated with my own wanderlust-filled heart. (Audiobook)