This was a really insightful book, having recently been diagnosed with ADHD this was a nice and supportive overview.
This was a really insightful book, having recently been diagnosed with ADHD this was a nice and supportive overview.
I appreciate Tracy Otsuka‘s candid and insightful approach to ADHD in women.
As a physician, I know and have cared for many brilliant and accomplished women with ADHD. I will be recommending this book as a resource for them.
Tracy, thank you for shedding light on this important topic that is overlooked far too often.
Phyllis Nsiah-Kumi, MD, MPH
This book is most comprehensive tool on neurodivergence that I have come across ever. Tracy's podcast changed my life. She let me know that I could use my BIG voice.
The book, ADHD for Smart Ass Women, is enjoyable, relatable, and easy to follow guide that walked me through an understanding of adhd and how I can take simple steps to feel more confident instead of crazy.
This book completely changed the way I see myself and the value I provide in the world. It might be cheesy to say this but it's true. The author did a service for us - by aggregating all the info out there on ADHD and distilling it down into everyday language and positive reinforcement. Honestly, I feel better + smarter by reading it. I'd probably carry it around with me to share if it would fit in my pocket. This book is a must-read.
Oh my gosh! “Hope is the Bridge to our Success“ Need I say more? ADHD demystified & destigmatised. Our brains are delightfully different, NOT deficient. Tracy Otsuka, thank you so much for getting inside my head, decluttering the chaos and showing me my strengths. Reader of reviews - Buy the D'ang book!
This is why when I coach people, I have a piece that explores the identity of the client to be sure they are dreaming and planning according to who they are - not as they think others expect them to be. #adhd
My companion for all the appointments we are having as of late… will be sharing more from this wonderful book / adventure into understanding my neurodivergent self. It‘s like Tracy is my new best friend. So grateful for this ARC!
Yes! A book for me and all my wonderful crazy ideas lol. How to explore create and be me is in this book. Thank you Tracy!
Loving this book! Finally a book just for me! So happy to receive my ARC!!! Will be sharing more tidbits from this gem soon!
Tracy Otsuka‘s book is excellent and a must read for women with ADHD or those who suspect they have it. Tracy shares research and real life stories of women with ADHD who learn to channel their ADHD behaviors into assets. She calls her ADHD her super power. You can pre-order her book now. You will learn so much about ADHD and yourself. Get it today. You will be grateful you did.
Reading Tracy‘s book is like talking with her—a warm, hilarious, inventive person you‘d love to sit next to at a party. Except she‘s giving you all this life changing advice for free. I took Tracy‘s course in 2021 and this book is like that course but ready for you to consume where and when works for you. So many helpful tips in this book but mainly it convinces you that you are the opposite of broken.
I wish this book had been available to me sooner. ADHD For Smartass Women has what you need to know, strategies and tips to apply, and most importantly how to love yourself. Having been diagnosed recently, I searched high and low for over 2 years for strategies, this book will save you time. Uplifting and in the author's voice. Love her podcast, too, with the same title. I received an advanced copy on Netgalley /HarperCollins for my honest review.
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Tracy Otsuka takes you on a journey to unlock the code of ADHD in ways that I have not seen before in all my readings and experiences in healthcare. She shifts the paradigm, turning societal “weaknesses“ into superpowers. She empowers in practical ways. “How do you catch a wave upon the sand...how do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?“ I am impressed with Tracy's vision and heart to transform lives, on top of the excellent content.
I first learned about Tracy Outsuka just after my ADHD diagnosis when I discovered her podcast “ADHD for Smart Ass Women“ on Spotify. I finally felt I had found my people, I related to such much while listening to her episodes, so when I heard Tracy was releasing a book I was excited to get my hands on a copy. I joined her book team so that I could read the advance copy - full of great tips and Tracy's usual humour.
Tracy Otsuka's book is new to the ADHD community, but she is not new to the study of ADHD. After coaching thousands of women with ADHD, and launching a podcast by the same name, Tracy invites her students and clients to approach their ADHD by identifying their strengths and using the traits of ADHD in the most positive ways possible.