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In Search Of Berlin
In Search Of Berlin: The Story of A Reinvented City | John Kampfner
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The new book from Sunday Times bestselling author John Kampfner: the 800-year story of Berlin, the most important capital city in Europe[Bokinfo].
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The Käthe Kollwitz Museum combined her art with her political activism. It was housed in a building next to the Literaturhaus on Fasanenstrasse, one of Charlottenburg's most elegant buildings on one of its most elegant streets; both opened at roughly the same time and share a similar history. ... with one of the district's most refined cafes and courtyards.

I went here! Fascinating museum #Berlin (not my pic)

Leftcoastzen I would love to go there! 4d
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Werner Hegemann, in his 1930 book, Das Steinerne Berlin (Berlin of stone), described the city as the largest tenement in the world. He drew a straight line between city planning, impoverishment and susceptibility to dictatorship.

Unsurprisingly, his books were publicly burned by the Nazis in 1933.

julesG @TrishB - for your upcoming trip? 1w
TrishB Sounds interesting! Have put on list and any other recommendations welcome 😁 @julesG 1w
charl08 @TrishB just NF or fiction set there too? 7d
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TrishB Either 😁 then I have a list to pick from! 7d
charl08 I liked this NF too. 7d
charl08 The author swims in the lakes around Berlin. 7d
charl08 @TrishB forgot to tag you! Also 6d
charl08 And the GN classic 6d
TrishB Thank you ☺️ 5d
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