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The Mystery of Things
The Mystery of Things | A.C. Grayling
1 post | 1 read | 2 to read
Following the huge success of THE MEANING OF THINGS and THE REASON OF THINGS, a third collection of bestselling essays from Britain's top philosopher. 'Human genius has done much, and promises much, in the way of removing the mystery from many things in our world; at the same time it recognises and honours the mystery in things too.' In this collection A.C. Grayling extends the range of his previous two books to show how much understanding people can gain about themselves and their world by reflecting on the lessons offered by science, the arts (including literature) and history. Covering subjects as diverse as Jane Austen's EMMA, the Rosetta Stone, Shakespeare, the Holocaust, quantum physics, Galileo, and even alien abductions, A..C. Grayling's latest collection is a rich source for reflection and contemplation over the mysteries of life.
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The Mystery of Things | A.C. Grayling
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I‘m… 80% (?)… sure this is a swap gift & not something I ordered in the throes of a shopping frenzy.

Am I right? 😅

Update: I was not right. See next post. 😂

#jolabokaflodswap #BestOf2021Swap

candority Not that I know of! @Amandajoy Did you happen to send your package already? 3y
Amandajoy @candority Nope, that‘s not from me! @monalyisha Your package from me is still scattered across the dining room table waiting to be wrapped. (edited) 3y
monalyisha @Amandajoy Yours is in a very similar state. 😉 My plan is to get our Tree on Saturday & then wrap a bunch of gifts by colorful twinklelight this weekend. 🌈🎄✨ We‘ve got (some) time! (edited) 3y
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monalyisha @Amandajoy Oh! Also, since I now know that this is a direct swap *&* I have your #NYWD22 list, I should probably let you know that I‘ve read some of your faves from this past year, including: Elatsoe, Echo, The Library at Mount Char, The House in the Cerulean Sea, We Ride Upon Sticks, & The Hate U Give. 🙈 But a lot of the others look so great! I think we have similar taste. 💞 3y
Amandajoy Thanks for the heads up! I tried to double check on your Goodreads to make sure I picked something you hadn‘t read. 3y
monalyisha @Amandajoy Nice! You‘re good. 💯 3y
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