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With Just One Wing
With Just One Wing | Brenda Woods
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Coretta Scott King Honor winner Brenda Woodss poignant, heartfelt story of an adopted boy and the bird he rescues Everyone expects Coop to be musical like his beloved parents, but hes not. Thats one of the few things he finds awkward about being adoptedwell, that and the fact that he sometimes wonders why his birth mother didnt love him enough to keep him. This summer, hes stuck at home with a broken arm after falling out of a tree trying to get a closer peek at a mockingbird nest. Later, when the eggs in the nest have hatched and the fledglings fly away, he and his friend Zandi notice that one of them stays behind. Taking a closer look, they realize the bird only has one wing. Since it wont survive in the wild, they adopt it and name it Hop, and then learn everything they can about birds so they can care for Hop properly. Unfortunately, when a hawk injures Hop, the vet says its illegal to keep mockingbirds as pets. Faced with a difficult decision about surrendering his beloved little bird to a bird sanctuary, Coop starts thinking about his birth mothers motivation in a new light.
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With Just One Wing | Brenda Woods
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MG: a heartful story about an adopted boy (who‘s fiercely loved by his parents and grandparents), and a one-winged bird he rescues.

DieAReader 🥳Wonderful! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
Eggs @DieAReader 😘🤩🥰 2mo
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks 😍🥰 2mo
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