A cautionary tale along the lines of Jonah in the Old Testament. I‘m not really sure of the point of the story, though I hung in till the end. Jonah has visions that interfere with his life and send him in bizarre directions.
A cautionary tale along the lines of Jonah in the Old Testament. I‘m not really sure of the point of the story, though I hung in till the end. Jonah has visions that interfere with his life and send him in bizarre directions.
This is a modern retelling of the Book of Jonah and the Book of Judith from the Bible that intersect each other. Jonah, a lawyer who is about to have it all, seemingly loses everything after a vision from God. He meets Judith, someone who has lost her way after a tragedy. The author can write but I ultimately felt like this book was work...almost too much until the last 30% made it worth it. The ending was transcendent and I‘m glad I finished it.