Breaking news: my second reading buddy has arrived! Charlie has already proven to be a valuable addition to the team, even if I do have to put my book down every so often and give her cuddles.
Breaking news: my second reading buddy has arrived! Charlie has already proven to be a valuable addition to the team, even if I do have to put my book down every so often and give her cuddles.
I decided to try butter tea on a whim. It wasn‘t disgusting but it wasn‘t delicious, either, so I guess I don‘t need a repeat unless I find myself in Mongolia or something.
I‘m enjoying MORE THAN MUSIC just as much as I expected to. There‘s some good tension on the music competition front, and I like that Briggs takes the time to establish Maddie and Jared as friends.
Time for some outdoor reading. It‘s raining, but the thunderstorm hasn‘t started yet and Casey and I should be okay in the gazebo.
Throwback to last night, when the sky did some nice stuff while I read.
Y‘all, I need a mental health weekend. I‘m gonna read some books and play with some dogs and maybe watch some TV. There‘ll probably be tasty food involved, too.
This was a quick light read. I did feel like the relationship between Maddie and Jared escalated pretty quickly for people who just met. I guess with the situation they were in it was likely to happen.