I admit I googled 18th century porcelain chocolate pot images and all I think of is my next cup of hot chocolate
I admit I googled 18th century porcelain chocolate pot images and all I think of is my next cup of hot chocolate
#DreamingOfAWarmerClimate #ReadJanuary
I'd much rather be spending today in a chocolate shop in Barcelona than in a freezing hospital office in Oldham.
#booktober #WishICouldBeThere
I'm about to walk up a hill in the rain and cold to do a long day at work at Oldham Hospital. I would much rather be at a chocolatier's in Barcelona.
Absolutely loved this. So inventive, such an ambitious broad scope, so beautifully written. I think my mum would like this (especially the historical stuff) but I'm not going to lend it to her because there's too much sex in it.