I made a late decision to join a book discussion at the library, put the rest of my books in progress on hold and whipped through this. I wasn‘t wowed with the book; but I‘m sure I‘ll enjoy the group. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program....
I made a late decision to join a book discussion at the library, put the rest of my books in progress on hold and whipped through this. I wasn‘t wowed with the book; but I‘m sure I‘ll enjoy the group. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program....
My last post for today. When I was done with the book I tried to remember why I originally picked it up. It must be because it was a Christian Science Monitor Best Book of the Year, which kind of intrigued me. I barreled through it. China's history has always fascinated me, and the life of a spy who cares for both countries is quite plausible. The book was good, but unfortunately as passionless as the two main characters. A lot to ponder in it.
"George Bernard Shaw once said: 'The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself; therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.' I hope that when you're young, you cherish your unreasonableness, which, like the fire of life, might dwindle as you grow older."
I believe that a country is not a temple but a mansion built by the citizens so they can have shelter and protection in it. ... History has proved that a country can get crazier and more vicious than an average person.
I thought I was going to have to miss my book club for this month, but it turns out I can go after all. So.....it's time to start the book!