Goodwill bargains today. Yippee!
Goodwill bargains today. Yippee!
I thought I would adore this book because I am fascinated with the Salem Witch Trials and the heresy and fear surrounding the time period. Any woman asserting any independence or free thinking would be accused. However, the story never reeled me in and I kept trying and hoping to get invested in the story, but I never could. I would LOVE some recs though for hist fic dealing with witchcraft in the time period if you have any!!
Do you have an aversion to previously highlighted books, or do you enjoy it, or does it not matter to you?
In college, I usually liked it. Less work for me! But it has to be done similarly to what I would do, else it annoys me.
What about you? Preferences?
Reading and snuggling with the sweet Cocoa are good fibro flare-up activities. What are you reading this October afternoon/evening?
Found this autographed copy for $10 at my local indie store Thursday. Nice.
Reading more today from Dracula for #GothicSeptember thanks to the Serial Reader app.
I haven't written a formal review yet, but wanted to share I enjoyed this story and recommend it! It isn't horror in the traditional sense, but in the psychological, apocalyptic sense. Great characters and story moves quickly even at 700+ pages.
I've been reading The Queen's Gambit (Tudor Trilogy #1) by Elizabeth Fremantle and in it Katherine Parr's stepdaughter is reading this to her maid, whom she is good friends with following a traumatic experience. And here it is as "recently added" on to the Serial Reader App on iPhone. I think the universe is telling me to read it, what do you think?
Why I can't finish The Fireman. This has happened the last 3 times I've opened it. It's apparently very comfy.
"Drunk as a brain-diseased badger." ??
Gotta remember that one.
Re-reading this book and I think it's even better the second time around. I understand a lot more of the Jewish mythology, I think it is called, which enriches this second read. I'm looking forward to my first readings of the second two books, too.
Saturday night reading includes this Salem Witch Trials family saga. What are you reading this weekend??
The book was good at first, then started to decline. More rambly than anything else. Not a lot happening. Basically the climax of the book hinges on an event that we aren't even involved in as readers. What the heck?!? Not to mention this was barely a cult. Calling it a cult is like calling the popular kids in high school who made the nerds do stupid and sometimes dangerous stuff to belong a cult. Overrated book in my opinion. Skip it.
Really loved Outlander. Now on to Dragonfly in Amber. It looks to be a bit different. Hopefully still some 18th century kilt wearing going on. 😍
A loving, upper-middle class couple decide to invite another into their marriage bed after the man receives a solo proposition. This is to keep jealousy at bay, as both parties are involved. As you can guess, it can only go one of three ways, but there's a lot of introspection, which makes the book.
Great little book about wandering through nature and reconnecting to our environment. Includes a variety of simple experiments to "creatively disrupt everyday life." Using our powers of observation and openness, we can fill the hole left in us by a life ruled by technology. Loved it.
Overall, a mostly successful attempt at blending a lot of impactful experiences, sociology, and social psychology into a story about a family, an ape, and an experiment. Review on my blog explains the couple of areas I struggled with.
I really liked learning how all of these manuscripts were saved from extremists. It reminded me of those in the US who ban books and the Nazis who burned them. There are some people who are terrified of ideas. I wish this had been more condensed, but still an interesting read overall.
Starting this one right now. Has anyone else read this? I haven't seen much buzz.
Beautifully written, heartfelt, honest, and complex in its simplicity. I would happily read more from Ward. She is definitely an author to follow. My only wish was that one of the story lines, which seemed like a big one, had been wrapped up at the end. I wanted to know more!
I am really liking Seeley's writing style and mix of cultural and political info with the plot. No info dumps is always a good thing! Hoping this one is a 5 star read. It is on it's way!
Really enjoying the commentary on lessons to be learned from ten poems by poets like Rumi, Walt Whitman, and Mary Oliver.
Reading this for Read the Nobels April with Guiltless Reader and #TTWIB. Beautiful language and real sense of place.
The fantasy aspect of Norse mythology takes a serious back seat to the drama and relationship stuff. I don't care for that in my fantasy reads. Also, it never really got off the ground. A lot of build-up to nothing much. Rating: Meh.
The sky burst to color above us, and then the sun sank through the trees so that the color ran out of the sky like water out of a drain and left the sky bleached white to navy to dark.
"Ladies, this is what scares me. When a horse is finally tamed and trained, bearing the burden of saddle and human expectations alike, she is called broken. It is only then that she performs the duties expected of her."
Happy 10th Anniversary to The Book Thief! I'm continuing my first read of it tonight!
#CocoaKitty likes curling up with good books. Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward is no exception.