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The Complete Double Dead
The Complete Double Dead | Chuck Wendig
3 posts | 2 read | 4 to read
A VAMPIRE IN ZOMBIELAND You wouldn't like Coburn. People don't, as a rule. And that's okay, because he doesn't like people much either. People are food. Five years ago, Coburn went to sleep wasn't exactly planned and he's just woken up to find most everybody in the world dead. Not dead like him; he looks human, drinks blood. He's smart. They're... none of those things. They outnumber him by about a million to one, and their clotted blood cannot sustain him. Now he's starving, and on the run. He has to find blood, soon, and like it or not he's gonna have to keep an eye on the frail flesh-bags he finds it in. Time for the wolf to turn shepherd. No, Coburn doesn't like people. But he'll have to learn to.
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I‘ve been in a mini-rut. Started and stopped about 4 different books before listening and finishing The Singularity Trap, which was listenable but not all that special. So, sometimes when I can get into something new I‘ll choose a book to listen to that I enjoyed in print but never listened to in audio. So I went with Double Dead, because I need some happy Holiday Cheer and for that nothing is better than a surly Vampire in a Zombie Apocalypse.

SW-T Loved Coburn! Double Dead was my first Wendig read. 6y
saresmoore Holy crap, what a cover! 6y
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Coburn likes blood. The Zombies like brains. He‘s smart, they‘re not. But they do outnumber him by about a million to one. Now he‘s starving, nocturnal, and more pissed-off than usual. not only has he got to find human survivors, but now he has to protect them. Think the walking dead with Damon from VD and you have the Double Dead. Full of the usual Wendig laugh out loud one liners and plot twists 5 ⭐️

#chuckwendig #bookreview #bibliophile

UglyOldBat Really need to read some of his stuff. What would you recommend starting with? 7y
Grim_Reader This is a great read. Or you could read the Miriam Black series. But he has plenty to choose from I‘ve not read them all, yet. @abandonallhope 7y
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Woo-hoo, another killer day at the thrift store! I haven't read any of these yet, but several have been on my TBR forevvvvvvver. #thriftscore

Texreader Nice!! I liked 7y
abbiereadsbooks Ohhhh I loved The Book Thief! I read it when I was younger and then again for a Lit for Adolescents class in college. 7y
Chessa @Texreader @abbiereadsbooks Yay! I'm super looking forward to that one, it's been on my TBR for YEARS! It also fulfills a #ReadHarder17 task, so it's a twofer (Read a book about war). 7y
tpixie Yes! It's been on by TBR forever I don't know what is stopping made from reading it. 7y
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