Two from this past winter. Separate shops, different days, both a total #thriftSCORE. Chabon is one of my favorite living authors, and I had read library copies of both these, but now I have beautiful hardcover copes as keepers.
Two from this past winter. Separate shops, different days, both a total #thriftSCORE. Chabon is one of my favorite living authors, and I had read library copies of both these, but now I have beautiful hardcover copes as keepers.
Recent #thriftSCORE book edition: both volumes, excellent condition, $1 each. (Pre-social distancing)
#thriftSCORE! Library of America edition with dust jacket in almost perfect condition for $2 at a local shop that supports programs for troubled youth.
Thrift store haul! #thriftscore
Scored a 99¢ ARC copy of Sour Heart from the thrift store! I'm going to try not to let my complicated feelings about Lena Dunham get in the way. #thriftscore
Feeling particularly lucky about this #thriftscore! $4 and endless glee.
You guuuuuys we neeeeed an intervention! We already have one amazing thrift store with crazy good books. Now we found ANOTHER thrift store that has a thing where you fill a plastic grocery bag of books for $5!!!!!! 😱😍😐😬😰
Send help. Or bookshelves. #thriftscore
Woo-hoo, another killer day at the thrift store! I haven't read any of these yet, but several have been on my TBR forevvvvvvver. #thriftscore
You guys...I need a handler for this thrift shop. I just want you to know a)I actually put books back! b) It was 50% off day and c)This stack cost under $9. Now to find shelf space...😬 #thriftscore #cantstopwontstop
Still basking in the glow of my #thriftscore from yesterday! I usually go to this shop weekly, but I'd missed a couple of weeks. It was bursting with awesomeness!