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Eichmann em Jerusalém
Eichmann em Jerusalém: um relato sobre a banalidade do mal | Hannah Arendt, José Rubens Siqueira
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Sequestrado num subúrbio de Buenos Aires por um comando israelense, Adolf Eichmann é levado para Jerusalém, para o que deveria ser o maior julgamento de um carrasco nazista depois do tribunal de Nuremberg. Mas o curso do processo produz um efeito discrepante - no lugar do monstro impenitente por que todos esperavam, vê-se um funcionário mediano, um arrivista medíocre, incapaz de refletir sobre seus atos ou de fugir aos clichês burocráticos.É justamente aí que o olhar lúcido de Hannah Arendt descobre o 'coração das trevas', a ameaça maior às sociedades democráticas - a confluência de capacidade destrutiva e burocratização da vida pública, expressa no famoso conceito de 'banalidade do mal'. Numa mescla de jornalismo político e reflexão filosófica, Arendt toca em todos os temas que vêm à baila sempre que um novo morticínio vem abalar os lugares-comuns da política e da diplomacia.
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A highly controversial book, how much you believe Arendt, and thus how much you believe in her depiction of Eichmann, will decide if you like the book or not. Eichmann is drawn as shockingly human, and this will make some readers very uncomfortable. Still, a great author tackling a tough subject makes for thought provoking reading.

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Not exactly a feel-good read, but I heard about this book and was intrigued by the conversation on “the banality of evil.â€

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#WinterWonderland #December1963 This book was first published in May 1963 and then rereleased with a much snazzier cover in December 2006. I came across this title last week in another book which felt like #BookKismet 💫🌟💫✨💫🌟Has anyone read this book?? In the book Our Short History, a dying mom is putting together a future book list for her son and this book was on the list.

TrishB Looks interesting. And of course he‘s always referred to in the Gabriel Allon books. 6y
Ruthiella Never read it but I feel I should read something from Arendt. I need about 20 years to catch up on stuff I feel I should have read in my 20s or 30s. 6y
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Cinfhen How could I forget @TrishB 😠6y
Susanita There‘s a movie with Oscar Isaacs, who‘s distractingly handsome. Operation Finale 6y
saresmoore I haven‘t read this one, but I love Hannah Arendt! She was a brilliant philosopher. 6y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read any Hannah Arendt but I remembering learning about her in a Jewish studies class @saresmoore 6y
Cinfhen I wonder if I can find a copy of the movie on line @Susanita 🤔 6y
emtobiasz I read most of this in a college course— can‘t remember the exact description but we read a lot of nonfiction on the Holocaust and the atomic bomb and fiction on dystopias and other horrifying situations. (Maybe it was just about evil?) I remember this book being brilliant but the prose dense and difficult. 6y
Cinfhen I was afraid it might be dry or clinical @emtobiasz that‘s why I hesitate to try it 6y
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I did it!!!! I got 24 hrs in #24in48!!!

I'm now gonna let myself read the fanfics that have been updated the last 2 days because I'm a ridiculous nerd 😅

Suelizbeth Good job! ðŸ‘ðŸ‘🎉🎉📚📚â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ 7y
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Taking a break in #24in48 by listening to Arendt tearing Eichmann apart (bc that's totally relaxing). I'm at 10hr and am feeling good about my ability to get to at least 12hr today.

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Doing research for next month's book club pick. Sooooooooo tired.

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I've just watched The Eichmann Show on BBC player. It was good, but horrific, and will definitely influence my next re-reading of Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem: The Banality of Evil. Why isn't this book suddenly a bestseller next to 1984? It isn't just about the Holocaust, it is about how mundane evil acts are and how nearly anyone can slide into inhumanity, given the right circumstances. It is also well written & not too long. Go read it.

kspenmoll I am reading it; as I understand it, there was controversy amongst the Jewish community when it first was printed as to her reporting/intentions (well explained in intro). It wasn't until 1999 that I was translated into Hebrew. I just began ch 1 so that's all I can relate so far. Read some of her other work in past but not this. Thanks for heads up on TV show. (edited) 8y
zsuzsanna_reads @kspenmoll yes, there's the argument that she depicted the Jews as complicit in their murder. But I think she was making a deeper philosophical point about victims being trapped in their institutional background, following rules because that is what has come to define humanity. It's been a few years since I've read it, so I might be wrong; I am planning a reread. 8y
zsuzsanna_reads Also, I've come to it from a philosophical not a historical background, so cannot vouch for her accuracy on historical detail. 8y
zsuzsanna_reads @kspenmoll I hope you will like the book!! 8y
kspenmoll @zsuzsanna_reads I think you are exactly right; do not doubt yourself! I am a reader but struggle with written expression- what you said rings true to me- i do plan to read it. She seems to convey that it could be any of us to an extent. But reading it will bring clarity! Thanks! (edited) 8y
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Splendid! "A good one for shaking me out of a complacency in judgments and lazy simplifications in thought." Indeed!

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For these times.

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An amazing story in which philosopher Arendt reports from Jerusalem about the trial of Eichmann, one of the architects of the final solution. Instead of finding a monster as she expected she finds a bureaucrat, a man who acted for self aggrandizement rather than belief. The banality of evil.

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