It's been two decades since I last read Silko's Ceremony, and it's a) as good as I remember, b) better than I remember, c) a masterpiece, d) extremely relevant for the current moment.
It's been two decades since I last read Silko's Ceremony, and it's a) as good as I remember, b) better than I remember, c) a masterpiece, d) extremely relevant for the current moment.
Really, really in love with these editions. Really enjoying working my way through re-reading them, too.
Thank you, Litsians!
#Ghostland book tour starts this week! Come join me!
"All encounters with falcons are in a strong sense encounters with ourselves--whether the falcons are real or imaginary, whether seen through binoculars, framed on gallery walls, versified by poets, flown as hunting birds, spotted through Manhattan windows, sewn on flags, stamped on badges, or seen winnowing through the clouds over abandoned arctic radar stations."
What a great opening to a book one is reading in a cafe.
"At some point I began working on the beginning and the end of something at once."
Excited about this.
For these times.
"We all have enough strength to bear the troubles of other people."