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"It's all a mind-fuck - a roller coaster barreling from peaks of gratitude to valleys of seething anger and resentment...Eventually though, I must learn to quiet the anger that...leaves me screaming inside...If I don't...I know I will harden - losing my balance and everything else I'm trying to protect."

#abi #tbi #caregiver

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Just cried my way through the first 35 pages of this gem. Not sure that everyone would find it quite so emotional, but it took me back to my hours spent waiting for my husband to have a craniotomy done due to a head/brain injury. This is going to be a *tough* read, but I love everything she writes on her blog, so it will be totally worth it! #abi #tbi #hardlove #loveeverysecond

8little_paws Wow this book sounds intense! 5y
CuriousG It certainly will be for me. I think anyone will find it interesting and emotional, but I know it will trigger me to a much greater extent. Not sure exactly how the book will go (in terms of writing style,) however I think it would be an amazing thing for people to read. The ways brain injuries change families are definitely intense. 5y
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8little_paws I read another memoir about TBI in a marriage. This may interest you as well. 5y
CuriousG I've actually never heard of that one @8little_paws - thanks for telling me about it! 5y
8little_paws You're welcome! 5y
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Need to wait until March 15th for it to arrive, but I absolutely could not be more excited for this memoir! For several years I have been following Abby Maslin's blog/articles for brainine.org - I cry every time. If you are interested in caregiving perspective, acquired (traumatic) brain injury, or just plain how does love survive ongoing trauma/challenge, this will be something to read. Is it March yet?! #abi #tbi #caregiver #love #reinvention

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Spending #NationalBookLoversDay reading this amazing memoir. A tough read for me as so many things parallel my husband's experiences since his acquired brain injury 8 years ago. I encourage everyone to read this - she does an amazing job of really helping you feel the loneliness & frustration involved in a health condition that people don't 'see'. 'But you look so good!' is something my husband hears all the time. 😩 #ABI #TBI #invisibleinjury

UglyOldBat Yep I get told that all the time but my body hates me 7y
coffeenebula I feel you. My husband has had 4 strokes since 2014. It's so frustrating and tiring. 😞 7y
CuriousG @coffeenebula Wow! That must be utterly depleting/discouraging to experience that again and again. Sending you both my positive thoughts and hoping that you are able to find some joy in your time together. I have no doubt your lives have changed drastically in the last 3 years! 💟 7y
CuriousG @abandonallhope It must be very frustrating to have people minimize your struggles by saying that (even if it isn't intentional on their part, it still hurts). I hope you are able to find some things that help you feel more at peace with your body and less like it is fighting you. You're doing a great job already....I know this because you obviously like books and go on Litsy! Books heal our souls 💛 7y
UglyOldBat Thank you 💜 7y
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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Settling in for a bit of reading while the house is quiet. Some #strawberrycolada tea makes a great accompaniment. Couldn't resist making a little scene with a few of my current fav #cheeseboards #charcuterieboards and mini #woodengoblets - I am truly spoiled and know it. The ones in the back are being donated to an Acquired Brain Injury #abi fundraiser though ... I just get to bask in their beauty, not actually use them.

BooksForEmpathy ❤❤❤. 7y
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The Iceberg: A Memoir | Marion Coutts
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"The first thing to understand is that endless retelling is overwhelming. It is boring, draining, dispiriting."

I can't say what it was like for my parents when my brother's brain tumour was discovered, but I imagine this was true. I do know that since my husband's traumatic brain injury, I certainly feel this acutely. #braintumour #ABI #TBI #storyrepeateddaily ?