All but the tagged book are from my recent used book treasures found. The Preservatory was a new purchase but I was super excited when I saw it while shopping at a local family owned food market. #bookhaul
All but the tagged book are from my recent used book treasures found. The Preservatory was a new purchase but I was super excited when I saw it while shopping at a local family owned food market. #bookhaul
I was needing a quiet, comforting activity today after the chaos of introducing my dog to his puppy cousin. Testing out my first recipe from this book was my hygge afternoon. Now, the seemingly endless wait for the brownies to cool. #hygge #snowydays
I'm in for a very long day of family gatherings and remembrances of my aunt who just passed a few weeks ago, so I won't have any time alone this evening to read. I've decided to do a very early morning #jolabokaflodswap instead to start my day.
Thank you so much @merelybookish - you were so generous. I can't wait to curl up now and start reading the book (and short) you selected. I might save the chocolates for tomorrow - 5 am seems too early 🙃
@broughtyoubooks This is the one - I got a paperback version for about $40 CAD a bunch of years ago.
If you read too many at once it ruins the impact, so I found reading one interview every week or two was perfect for me to spread it out and fully digest each one.
So excited! My #jolabokaflodswap book package has arrived (as has the one with the chocolate.) Counting down the days now 😊
Given the on-going Canada Post strike I have had the #jolabokaflodswap package sent directly via Amazon to my match. Takes away some of the fun, but they are on their way! (And should be in gift bags.) Christmas baking prep picture for interest.
So excited to get my hands on this book in time for my two camping weekends in a row! I've only managed to read one physical book and one audiobook this year so I'm looking forward to changing that.
My friend Kelly has finally got her memoir in print and now a copy is here in my hands. I could not be more proud of her! After losing her wife quite suddenly almost 12 years ago, she was forced to walk the journey of a single mom to a one year old, while dealing with the grief. This is going to be so difficult to read, but I can't wait to get started.
Waiting while the hubs is in physio so I'm going to start this one. I love Ann Patchett but haven't read any of her older work. I think I would only have been in middle school (if that) when it was released, so definitely wasn't on my radar. Lol
EDIT: I want to acknowledge my conflicting feelings given recent events. I can stand by the statement that she is a true master of the short story, however she clearly was not the woman I believed her to be. I thought she understood the struggles of women & girls & was seeking to better their lives, but to choose your husband over daughter when you find out he had molested her? I want to separate the art from the artist, but I'm not sure I can 😔
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Crazy Rich Asians
3. The Princess Bride
Runner up: The Great Gatsby
#tlt #threelistthursday @dabbe
Note: I definitely attached the wrong image, but can't find the right one 🤷♀️
There are more that were very close to ties, but there were two that I honestly can't say I have even the slightest preference.
@monkeygirlsmama #thisorthat
I'm too exhausted from lack of sleep to focus on reading my physical books, so audiobook it is! Decided to do a disturbing one.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and happy Stat holiday to those who don't but still have time off work 😊
I hope you are all able to find some time to do something that brings you joy. I'm chipping away at getting books onto shelves, although there is a bit of a snag and trim pieces need to come off and be reworked. All will be done eventually.
It's been a busy day, but I'm so excited to sit down and read all evening now. This amazing pairing of chocolate and book was sent by @TheKidUpstairs - I'm so glad to hear you loved it. I'm very excited to get going on it tonight! Happy Jolabokaflod ❤️
#jolabokaflodswap #jolabokaflodswap23 @MaleficentBookDragon
Thank you so much for the *amazing* #yuleswap package @DinoMom - I love how much thought you put into this and really appreciate it. I'm headed outside now to burn the "yule log" I created (more like a cedar bundle. Lol) and read a bit more about yule from the book you sent. Again, thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness!
@BookwormAHN @wanderinglynn
My #jolabokaflodswap23 has arrived! @MaleficentBookDragon
I'm not sure if it is wrapped inside so didn't want to open it and I didn't see a Litsy handle written on the outside so I can't tag the sender.
#yuleswap package has arrived. Can't wait to open this in 2 weeks!! @wanderinglynn @BookwormAHN @DinoMom
My second Amelia Bedelia book arrived today! I am reliving my love of the Amelia Bedelia classics so ordered these two (tagged one is an original from decades ago). Poo-Dunit is making an appearance in the background and gets an honorable mention...it is also amazing. ❤️
This book felt close to a masterpiece even with being unfinished. Not having an ending was okay for me; I actually like ambiguity and being able to imagine what might come next, and it felt like enough pieces had come together. Truly beautiful extension of Medicine Walk. Knowing there will never be more Wagamese books is a loss, however I'm grateful I've read out of publishing order and still have several I can go back to before I run out.
My birthday celebration this year is settling into my reading chair to immerse myself in the wonderful natural world created by Richard Wagamese in Starlight. Still have to stare at empty shelves in this room until Boxing Day before I can trust the paint enough to fill them, so trying to be patient. Have my husband working on the wooden mountain backdrop for the centre section though. This is the best birthday/Christmas present I ever received.
@thebacklistbook Most of your items for the #jolabokaflodswap are coming via Canada Post (and all those items inside are wrapped), there is one thing coming through Amazon and it should arrive by Wednesday. This one is small and will not be wrapped inside. Just a heads up 😊 I'll tag you in a comment on my other post re: this and #yuleswap
So the stars aligned and I have the same person for both of these swaps. I've sent everything in one package, but don't worry, I've wrapped things inside in two different colours and have a card with instructions inside. All should be clear. 😊 Package is getting dropped off at post office in the morning, but I didn't want to forget to post this.
#jolabokaflodswap23 #jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon
#yuleswap @wanderinglynn @BookwormAHN
Bookshelves painted and primed - just touchups and the inside of the murphy bed yet to paint. Now to wait 30 days for it to fully cure before I can fill these shelves. Patience is not something I have, so this is going to be a challenge! 🙃
Just finished this and must say I was not prepared. I was expecting an ending somewhat like in Moon of the Crusted Snow, however this one required some tissues. I wont give much away beyond saying it was both hopeful and also more emotional than I expected. Character development is still a little lighter than I usually want, however definitely more than the previous novel, and the story was beautifully crafted. A solid pick.
Doesn't look like much was done, but actually accomplished a lot. What was just sitting roughed in, is actually nailed in now, backs are in the upper shelves, and crown molding is in place. Now to start on the custom trim for sides and facing. Then a whole lot of painting is in my future 🤦♀️
@tpixie This has been the journey so far with the murphy bed/bookshelves. A lot of painting and trim work yet to go, but we'll on their way!
Partway through the rough in of the floor to ceiling bookshelves around the custom murphy bed. I must admit this project, although expensive, is actually a lot of fun. Hoping by the winter break we can have all the backs in and shelves painted so I can start filling the shelves on my time off work. Was beginning to think this whole thing would never happen, but it's getting exciting!
No wonder I've always found the concept of Paganism confusing, there are so many different things that fall under this umbrella, but this book is helping me start to sort out the differences. Not quite 50 pages in so I still have lots of learning to do.
Make sure you sign up for #YuleSwap - hosted by @wanderinglynn and @BookwormAHN
Sign-ups close soon, so don't wait!
"I am my silence. I am not the busyness of my thoughts or the daily rhythm of my actions."
My husband is not a reader (aside from hunting regs & articles 😄), however he fully supports the fact that reading is not enough for me, I need to own/write in my own copies. I'm a re-reader & like to revisit the best passages that I have underlined & annotated. Anyway, he did some early shopping for my birthday & came home with these. I'm so excited - I've had Ragged Company on my TBR for so long!! And how beautiful is that Embers cover?! 😍
I decided to skip my usual Halloween Eve/Halloween movie nights to read this #HHS23 book I received. Some sections I loved, some irritated me, but overall still a pick for me. The blog sections were written in a very annoying voice (which I'm guessing was intentional), but they just didn't land for me. The rest of it hit the super weird, screwed up, vibe I go for at Halloween, so they were perfect!
The day I've been looking forward to for way too many days (months?) - #HauntedHollowSwap opening day!!! @ShelleyBooksie - this is an amazing package full of spooky goodies. You are so good at this. The fact that you even found the little brain that matches my brain candles. So, so good. Thank you for including something from an author local to you - can't wait to experience a new to me author. #HHS23 @wanderinglynn
Professional development day at work today. Had 45 minutes at the start of the day for a wellness activity, one of which was lounging in the library and reading. Took the opportunity to dig deeper into this one. It was absolutely glorious way to begin a day. And to all the book purists out there, I'm not even the tiniest bit sorry about my underlining and folded pages, (it's my copy.)
An amazing find at the visitor centre gift shop while I was camping over Thanksgiving! #poodunnit
It's a coffee and candles kind of reading morning here. Not up to much new stuff today, so just rereading sections of The Sentence.
I can't put in words how much I loved this. At one point my husband asked me what it was about and I said, "Prison; a bookstore; Covid-19; ghosts; Indigenous communities; and George Floyd." Then he laughed because he thought I was just saying random words to mock him. ? Now I'll add trauma/inner demons; systemic oppression; necessary uprisings; balancing harm with benefit; friends/family; shame/regret; and reckoning, to the list. Masterful.
Sorry this is late getting posted, but I received my #HHS package in the mail on Friday! I was on my way camping for the Thanksgiving weekend when I picked it up and had *zero* service the entire time. No matter where I walked and how high in the air I held my phone, no dice. Lol
I think it is from @ShelleyBooksie but I didn't see a Litsy handle on the box. I was scared to open in case it wasn't wrapped. @wanderinglynn #HHS23
Was camping this weekend and the book sleeve that I got from @ShelleyBooksie during #HHS22 is the perfect way to prevent my book from being a total dirty mess when I have to set it down, and also have those spooky fall vibes. That being said, I use this year round. Lol
National Truth & Reconciliation Day and although I forgot to bring among 21 Things You Didn't Know About The Indian Act, which I was going to spend the day rereading, I did at least remember to bring a few other books by Indigenous authors. Thought this one has been sitting on my shelf long enough - time to start it!
My #HauntedHollowSwap package was sent out this afternoon and is on its way! Likely arriving by early next week. @wanderinglynn
1. Wolf (really just want an all black German Shepherd)
2. Anything creepy, but I often revisit my non fiction one on serial killers
3. Bride of Frankenstein
4. Yes. (8.5 womens)
5. Beetlejuice
6. All of them except candy corn
#HauntedHollowSwap #HHS23 #HHS @wanderinglynn
Dealing with the ongoing nature of ambiguous loss, too many deaths of family members and friends, and other trauma, undoubtedly does live in the body. Anticipating this will be a mixture of fascinating, tough, and hoping meaningful as well.
Stocking up on candles by ordering early so that I can set the mood when reading my spooky October books this fall. Between these and my #HauntedHollowSwap #HHS23 shopping, I'm really getting in the Halloween mood. Is it October yet?
Needing something to force me to clean all the junk off of my coffee table was a great excuse to buy this book. I don't have a cabin and don't ever plan on having one (I love the flexibility of having a travel trailer and going different places), but I *LOVE* the idea and feel of cabins so am obsessed with the origonal Cabin Porn book. Now also obsessed with Cabin Porn: Inside.
In terms of movies I love for October, here are the ones I've watched multiple times, despite the fact they sometimes cause me to lose sleep 😬
I've included candies I love, but the reality is I love pretty much any candy, I'm not super fussy; the only exceptions are candy corn and black licorice.
#hauntedhollowswap #HHS #HHS23 @wanderinglynn
I'm super busy with last minute prep for the start of school tomorrow (yes, procrastination is something I do well and I'mrunning out of time 🤦♀️) but since I want to get a #hauntedhallowswap collage posted I'm just going to reuse a few from last year. Maybe later this week I'll have time to make a new one. This one is good at summing up the fact that I lean towards a creepy vibe. (Candle pics from LadyGreen Beeswax)
#HHS #HHS23 @wanderinglynn