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The Chocolate Money | Ashley Prentice Norton
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Another entry in my favorite subgenre: books about depressed women with too much money ( #BADWWTMM ), Choco $$ delivers the tale of partying heiress Babs Ballantyne, as told by her unfortunate bystander of a daughter. It definitely hews a little close to revisionist revenge autobiography instead of, you know, fiction, and in that sense it's tragic, but still... a tragedy that I couldn't put down.

babsbourland Also: Everyone, feel free to assign that unwieldy hashtag to your own faves in tragic rich girl fiction. In a perfect world we'd have a database of stories that contain expensive handbags filled with half a dog biscuit and a xanax 8y
heyitsMacall 😂😂😂😂 omg 8y
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Valley of the Dolls | Jacqueline Susann
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Neely, your basic triple threat egomaniac monster, is first to climb aboard the doll train to crazytown. Naive babe Jennifer & sweet dull Anne follow. They're up, they're down, and they are all a-holes: "Tomorrow she can buy another wig," one of them sneers after throwing a wig in a toilet, while another writes "sorry I couldn't stick around for your wedding" in a suicide note. The ultimate camp train wreck, this book never stops being hilarious.

Cinfhen Hehe, this book was campy, kitschy and trippy 😄totally cracked me up💊💊💊 8y
babsbourland @Cinfhen it's totally the best susann! She has two other books besides the ones I've posted -- one is about her poodle (seriously) and the other is jackie o fan fiction. Both suffer from a devastating dependence on the ellipsis. 8y
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Woman No. 17 | Edan Lepucki
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This doesn't come out until may, but I've been savoring the galley and am completely loving it. The writing is deliberate, the characters are odd and finely drawn, and the setting involves my absolute favorite type of character: the depressed rich woman!! If contemporary California noir is your bag, add this one to the list.

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Once Is Not Enough | Jacqueline Susann
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Ranking number two on my list of top 3 Susanns, this book is constructed entirely out of chain smoking, hamburgers, intramuscular shots of speed at the Beverly Hills Hotel, eyelashes, and LSD. It has a bizarre, utterly cringeworthy train wreck of an ending, yet, even on my third read was impossible to put down. In short: it is capital e Entertainment. Next time you see it in a used bookstore, pick it up and read it drunk in the tub.

BarbaraTheBibliophage 🤣🤣Sold! 8y
babsbourland @BarbaraTheBibliophage 😎 it is such a weird but dynamic book. 8y
MMenefee I like your review, and I'll be reading this in March as my book club picked it to discuss at our April gathering. 8y
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emilyhaldi Love this review! I'm sold 8y
babsbourland @MMenefee oh hilarious timing! The plot is crazy. The themes, like basically all susann, rotate around one big Electra complex, but there is something about her writing that I think is still SO MUCH FUN. Enjoy it for what it is!! 8y
LeahBergen I need to add more "drunk tub reading" into my life. ? 8y
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