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I wasn‘t sure at first about this one from Hawkins, but at the nearly half way point I‘m hooked. It‘s complicated (obviously, it‘s a psychological thriller) but Rosamund Pike is one of the BEST narrators. She‘s adding so much depth to the otherwise shaky story. #Booked2022 #MurderMystery

AmyG How are you feeling? 3y
Cinfhen Definitely feeling better @AmyG Thanks for asking / nights are still a little rough as the congestion and sinus pressure makes sleeping difficult 3y
AmyG Glad to hear you are better. I have heard of the sinus issues with covid. That and sore throat. Hopefully you are sleeping soon! 3y
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Centique I just watched you on Shawn‘s book chats! You were delightful and beautiful 😘😘 So excited to see and hear you for the first time xxx And sending you all the get well wishes too 💕 3y
DivineDiana Glad you are feeling somewhat better. And am looking forward to watching you on Shawn‘s book chats! ❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Ugh, #BookBites wasn‘t my finest moment @Centique @DivineDiana the camera made my nose look weird!! And I sounded like a DuduBird but otherwise it was enjoyable!! Shawn is a doll!! And thanks today I‘m feeling almost 💯 🙏🏼 3y
Centique @Cinfhen you looked fab! But I know what you mean about angles with cameras and so on. Our daughters know how to do those things right I reckon! Not me! 😂😂 I‘m glad you are feeling a lot better 💕 3y
Cinfhen You were AMAZING and looked STUNNING @Centique I‘ll not be doing that again 3y
Centique @Cinfhen 💕💕 3y
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Howards End | E.M. Forster
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It may be timing and my mood but in the middle of this book I was finding Forster sanctimonious and heavy handed in his philosophising. And of course the unchecked imperialism can make you cringe. But the writing is glorious, the setting and characters spell binding and then the ending is quite wonderful when he upturns the apple cart. Then Forster shows he does have insight into misogyny and the perils of patriarchy. ⬇️

Centique He shows that he sees the problems of class and poverty, recognises some of the injustice and the ineffectiveness of charity - but it feels he comes down on the side of upholding the system. Poor Leonard who Forster thinks cannot raise his mind without the full background of education and intellectualism of the Schlegles. 3y
Centique Anyway - just a few immediate thoughts. Anyone who has done a deeper read please enlighten me if I‘ve missed something 🙏 3y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 3y
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Ruthiella I reread (on audio mostly) this last year because I wanted to compare it to On Beauty by Zadie Smith. What I noticed was how the Schlagels are also criticized in the text. I didn‘t remember that from my first read (which was probably over 20 years ago). 3y
Centique @Ruthiella yes! In my head they had been perfect. But I think my memory was probably based on the movie and not the book. (Over 20 years ago too!) 3y
Centique @Ruthiella it was the perfect cast though. Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins! 3y
Centique @TrishB thank you Trish 😘 3y
batsy Great review. I love this book quite a bit because it's beautiful, but you're right in that the underlying imperialism and maybe a kind of traditional class consciousness? makes it somewhat problematic (but interesting stuff to mull over!) 3y
Centique @batsy you‘re so right about the class consciousness. And yes I enjoyed mulling it all over too! I think I‘ll read it again next time and be able to glide through it a bit better knowing I‘ve had some conversations about those things. When you love historical fiction (like we do!) it‘s inevitable I know. 3y
Cinfhen Hi!!!! I just got to see you on @shawnmooney #BookBites 😍🥳🤩Such a treat!!! You‘re beautiful and so endearing!!! That was FUN!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 3y
Centique @Cinfhen oh you‘re so sweet to me! My hub helped me set the zoom so it was kind on wrinkles 😜😜😜 Are you going to go on Shawn‘s channel? I hope so!! 3y
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