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Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes
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I think we all know that feeling 😂 #CharlieGordon

tpixie The is such a great , moving book 📖 6y
Reviewsbylola Your nails tho. 😍 6y
starlight97 @tpixie I agree, I love it so far! 6y
starlight97 @Reviewsbylola haha thanks, it's actually deep red but it looks black because of the filter 😆 6y
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Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes
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It was difficult at first to read because of the emphasized grammatical errors but I understand why the author took such risks - it set the tone for the entire novel. Emotional at the very end.. but a very intriguing and worthwhile read.
#firstbook2018 #charliegordon #flowers #review

DivaDiane I read this in 7th grade and it made such an impact. One of my favorites. 7y
Reggie Oh man this book...😭😭😭 7y
nerdymsft @DivaDiane it‘s definitely on my top ten! 😢 7y
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nerdymsft @Reggie it hit me really hard at the very end 😢😪 7y
Reggie Yeah, the part where the workers stand up for him and the part where he doesn‘t know why the teacher got emotional(because he had forgotten about them). Those got me. There‘s a movie but the book was enough for me. Lol 7y
nerdymsft @Reggie yeah. I heard of the movie too but I‘ll pass 😂😂😂 7y
Louise Oh, yes, such a moving book! It's the kind that stays with you. What a fun Litsy handle you chose, by the way! Well done! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
nerdymsft @Louise for sure! I don‘t normally cry but this book pushed me to tears! And thank you! 😊 7y
Austen_Nerd I read many years ago for school. It made an impact than. I don‘t think I could watch the movie. 7y
nerdymsft @Austen_Nerd yeah. I wouldn‘t wanna ruin my memories of the book with a movie 7y
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Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes
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Only 30 pages and and I can already tell this is going to be an emotional read. I'd heard mixed reviews of this book, but I've gotten sucked into the story pretty early on! #flowersforalgernon #quote #sad #charliegordon