This is the kind of book you want to keep near you just in case you have a spare minute to read a page.
This is the kind of book you want to keep near you just in case you have a spare minute to read a page.
I‘m taking these two on vacation with me next week.
Immigrant stories are really speaking to me right now even though I feel like I need to continue my women‘s studies course.
My 1st book after 4 months...
Took a very long time to start this book. I shelved it in 2021. Only started it yesterday and finished it in 2 days. It was really that good.
Finally finished this #AlmostAChunkster for #FoodAndLit #Cuba
It wasn‘t what I expected. It felt like a cross between a Jane Austen novel, Moll Flanders, and Gone with the Wind?
Set in nineteenth century Cuba, young Mulatto Cecilia (of unknown parentage, though we know straight away really) falls in love with a rich white man Leonardo. It is regularly remarked upon that she looks like his sister Adela. This is not a coincidence… 👇🏻
Finally starting Cecilia Valdes for #FoodAndLit #Cuba
I am looking forward to this novel, but also feeling a little overwhelmed! It‘s under 500 pages, but the writing is tiny!
It may end up over-running April 😂
#AwesomeApril #AlmostAChunkster
A Book That #BeginsWith #Lost - Day 2. These are two of the novels I hope to feature for #DecolonizeBookshelves2022 - our new reading theme at GatheringBooks.
Una historia dolorosa de una niña que crece y llega a la adultez durante el régimen comunista de los 70 a los ochenta. Vemos el dolor de no solo las carencias materiales sino también los resultados emocionales y psíquicos producidos por el régimen. Tiene partes que son francamente líricos y pienso yo tienen la influencia de Dulce María Loynaz.
Lo recomiendo!
“Language, the desire to give life to things through words, is what makes us human.”
Remembering Severo Sarduy on his birthday.