I was glad to have seen some of the somewhat ambivalent reviews of this from other Littens, because it made it easier to bail when it wasn‘t working for me. I gave the audio about an hour and a half and I was just so bored.
I was glad to have seen some of the somewhat ambivalent reviews of this from other Littens, because it made it easier to bail when it wasn‘t working for me. I gave the audio about an hour and a half and I was just so bored.
It was a close run thing between this and Butter for my favourite read of September, but Booker long-listed Enlightenment edged it for me. Sarah Perry back on form with this tale of friendship, unrequited love and obsession with a hint of historical mystery.
Day 9
Glad I persevered but sorry to use such a word where reading is concerned.
My FIL was a Baptist minister and I've good memories of comet Hale-Bopp (I was pregnant), so there's that.
I did enjoy it in the end but it's a qualified pick: the vibe was more 1897 than 1997, which was disorienting, and several minor characters, along with the whole Maria Vaduva story arc, didn't quite come into focus.
I did like Grace and Thomas's complex friendship.
Hate to bail on this as I really liked The Essex Serpent and Melmoth but I‘m just over 100 pages and I don‘t feel invested at all and I‘ve sort of been just putting off reading it.
Have to say I'm relieved to have finished this book. The synopsis was just what appealed but I found much of the story quite dreary and struggled to keep motivated. I liked some of the characters driven sections but overall it didn't entice.
I seem to be in the middle of a bunch of titles that I would describe as "meditations." This one is relatively interesting, spanning the course of 20 years and dealing with events that happened well earlier, but it's also rather slow and kind of frustrating in the way that life is often frustrating...a whole lot of tedium punctuated by getting sort of what you want but not quite. So, a qualified pick for me.
Hhhhmm, I found this quite irritating on a few levels. I didn't connect with any character, didn't feel the enlightenment. It was a disappointment as I adored her other 2 books.
However, the writing is good. I think this is a bit of a hit and miss with a lot of people.
#Booker #Longlist2024
A book mostly about unrequited love, but also about how choices effect your life, faith, being different, astronomy and friendship.
Thomas is an older journalist and writer who gets interested in astronomy and a female astronomer that supposedly hunting a house. Grace is several decades his junior falling in love for the first time.
Another #Booker book read