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Joined May 2016

Blogger @ The Reader's Room. Reader, blogger, coffee lover, chocoholic and professional book hoarder. https://thereadersroom.org
This Plague of Souls | Mike McCormack
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I loved Solar bones and I very much liked this one too which is considered part 2 in a 3 book “series” with solar bones. You can read my review on the blog (link below). I hope this makes the booker list


Praiseworthy | Alexis Wright
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I am really trying to get through this. Trying being the key word here.

Tamra I hope it pays off. I understand it‘s a chunkster. 7d
JenP @Tamra I hope it doesn‘t make the longlist for the booker so I can abandon it. I‘m sure it‘s very good but I think it does require a certain baseline knowledge of Australian politics and sociopolitical conflicts to truly appreciate. It‘s a very challenging book to read. Also satire isn‘t my favorite genre within literary fiction 7d
Tamra @JenP hmmmmm, I might need to unstack it. 7d
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JenP @Tamra it‘s just very dense and requires a significant amount of concentration. 7d
squirrelbrain It‘s high up on the Booktubers‘ Booker predictions at the moment. I imagined it being more accessible, so I‘ll hang fire on starting it until I know if I ‘need‘ to. 😬 6d
JenP @squirrelbrain yes, I am debating whether I want to put it on my prediction list but even though it‘s won lots of awards, that doesn‘t always match up with longlist nominees. 6d
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This Plague of Souls | Mike McCormack
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And if the circumstances of his being alone in this bed at this hour rest within the arc of those grand constructs that turn in the night — politics, finance, trade — it is not clear how his loneliness resolves in the indifference with which such constructs regard him across the length and breadth of his sleep.

Long Island | Colm Toibin
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Long Island, the sequel to Brooklyn just came out this month. Unlike Brooklyn, this was a strong pick for me. It picks up 20 years after Brooklyn. Brooklyn was very Hollywood for my tastes (I didn‘t see the movie) and Long Island was more literary fiction (aka gloomy and depressing). I‘m a bit concerned about what this says about my personality 😂

Full review on my blog. https://thereadersroom.org/2024/05/06/long-island-by-colm-toibin/

BarbaraBB Very interesting! I love Toibin but Brooklyn was no favorite of mine either. So now I am looking forward to this one! 2mo
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Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Nor surprise that I liked this book since I stacked it from @vivastory review and several other Litsy friends with similar tastes also like it. Jan and I decided on two books for our joint read (my pick this month) and since I couldn‘t decide o picked two. This is a short and quick read with some good twists and turns. I generally love Japanese literature (Japan is at the top of my travel list) and this was no exception.

BarbaraBB Glad you liked it! I want to read more by him! 2mo
JenP @BarbaraBB we are now reading your recommendation. Loving it so far! 2mo
vivastory @JenP I'm glad that you liked this! It really kicked off my love this year for suspense novels in the 50s & 60s. I also really liked the other book pub by Pushkin 2mo
JenP @vivastory thanks! I‘ve added that one too 2mo
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TieDyeDude I wonder if this was made ironically, or if he was sincerely trying to be sexy...

Either way, a solid choice. “Thanks“ for playing 😉
JenP @TieDyeDude it‘s got to be ironic, no? I still hate it. Hahaha 2mo
Megabooks When the next suggested song is Jizz in My Pants you know it‘s bad. Good (bad) choice! 2mo
TieDyeDude @Megabooks I saw that, too 🤣 I'd be on a Lonely Island deep dive right now if I weren't at work. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I think you mean BEST song in the world 🤣🤣 2mo
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Brooklyn | Colm Toibin
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Toibin is one of my favorite authors but this was not one of my favorite books. It was a soft pick (more of a so-so). At the risk of sounding like a book snob (sorry 😭), this one read more like commercial fiction than the ones I‘ve loved (Heather Blazing being a favorite) although it was shortlisted for the Booker. He is quite brilliant at writing the voices of women though. It follows the life a young Irish woman who moves to the U.S.

JenP I received a galley of Long Island so wanted to read this before reading the sequel. 3mo
TieDyeDude I loved the movie, and I wanted to read this based on my enjoyment of the movie, but I might start somewhere else in his bibliography? 2mo
JenP @TieDyeDude I think if you loved the movie, you should read it. Then read the sequel and tell me what you think. I liked the sequel more although I‘m not sure what that says about me lol 2mo
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My turn to pick for May (partner read) and I managed to get two books out of it because I couldn‘t decide and Jan was being extra flexible. Our May theme is mysteries and I just got them both from the library. I am trying to be better about how much I‘m spending on books this year since I‘m saving up for travel. Thanks to @BarbaraBB for the inspiration this month

RaeLovesToRead The Master Key is amazing 3mo
BarbaraBB I loved both of them! And I hope Jan will enjoy the Whitaker too 🤞🏽 3mo
batsy I loved The Master Key! 3mo
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City of Pearl | Karen Traviss
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Yes, I judged this book and assumed I would hate it. I did not. This was our pick for earth day theme and I finished it on earth day

Entertaining and fast paced but also makes you think a bit about ethics and environmental issues. My full review is on the blog https://thereadersroom.org/2024/04/22/city-of-pearl-by-karen-traviss/

JenP I need recommendations on mystery/thrillers for our May month since it‘s also a genre I don‘t read much of 3mo
JenP @BarbaraBB ooh, those both sound really good! Thanks 3mo
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Pretty sure that Jan is trying to kill me with his book choices for our monthly partner read. This was our convo this morning 😂😂

This was his pick for our theme related to earth day. Also nothing wrong with science fiction, just if you know the sorts of books I typically like, this is funny

JenP From Alias grace (my pick) to military science fiction 😬 (edited) 4mo
BarbaraBB Great interpretation of the prompt! 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB it was creative, I‘ll give him that 4mo
BarbaraBB 🤣🤣 4mo
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I‘m writing a blog post for recommendations for earth day reading and asking the Litsy community to tag a few of your recommended reads that would fit. I‘ll add your Litsy name to the recommendation.

Please send me your book recommendation and 1-2 sentences on why you recommend it. It can be fiction, non-fiction, any genre. Kid‘s YA, or adult. Once I‘ve posted the list I will put the link up on Litsy.

What books do you recommend?

JenP My pick is… 4mo
ImperfectCJ Longacre and other contributors offer suggestions for how we can build stronger communities and help heal the environment through practices of sustainable living. Originally published in 1980, updated in 2010. This one is written from a Mennonite perspective, which might not work for some readers, but as a non-Christian myself, I still find the information and insights inspiring and actionable. 4mo
JenP @ImperfectCJ thanks! Added to the list 4mo
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ImperfectCJ And I just finished this one. In it Dykman describes her 10,000+ mile bicycle journey following the monarch butterfly migration from Mexico, through the US to Canada and back. In addition to being an epic journey, it's a love letter to the natural world, a recognition of privilege, and a call to action for those wanting to do something for our planet. 4mo
BarbaraBB A fantastic book about the implications of climate change. It feels fearfully close to our reality. And there‘s a great love story too. I loved this book so much, and also her other earth day related book: 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB that‘s a great one! Thanks 4mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I survived a Cusk book. I loved and hated this book. Not the book to read if you‘re looking for something plot driven. If you like books that require a LOT of intellectual energy, then you will like this. Definitely some brilliant reflections on art, motherhood, identify and female artists. But not highly accessible to average readers.

Full review: https://thereadersroom.org/2024/03/25/parade-by-rachel-cusk/

BarbaraBB I never even heard of this one. I always have mixed feelings about Cusk‘s books and am in no hurry to read this one. 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB it comes out in mid-June. I read it to help with my booker predictions this year. (edited) 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB reading her books are like being back in college. They require a lot of mental energy and sometimes I don‘t have it in me 😂 4mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean! 4mo
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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My latest addition to the my collection. Which is your favorite? Mine is probably the wind-up bird chronicles (not pictured here bc I read it on kindle. I‘m also missing a few others which is driving me crazy and instead of doing work, I‘m tearing up the house trying to find them 😂

Ruthiella I‘ve only read one (so far) 4mo
BarbaraBB I read a lot by him and my favorite is The Wind-Up Bird too. I recently read this one and was super impressed again by the author: (edited) 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB my second favorite! 4mo
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JenP @Ruthiella did you like it? 4mo
BarbaraBB 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ 4mo
Ruthiella @JenP I did like it but definitely need to read a couple more before I can decide if he‘s an author for me. 4mo
JenP @Ruthiella definitely, he‘s not for everyone and Norwegian wood was probably one of his most conventional books. I‘d be curious what you think of the more bizarre ones 4mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I keep forgetting what‘s it‘s like to read Cusk. I feel like I need an advanced literary degree to understand this novel. So this probably means it will make the booker list

RaeLovesToRead 🤣🤣 4mo
BarbaraBB Haha 😜 (edited) 4mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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This book was excellent. A retelling of mark Twain‘s classic, James is the story of “Jim” from huckleberry Finn. My full review is on the blog but I highly recommend this book.


Hooked_on_books I can‘t wait for this one! My hold should come in soon! 4mo
JenP @Hooked_on_books I hope you love it too. Let me know what you think once you‘ve read it 4mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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James is the reimagining of huckleberry Finn told from the voice of Jim. So far, I‘m really appreciating it.

BarbaraBB I am so looking forward to a new Everett! 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB it was so good 4mo
BarbaraBB So far I‘ve loved all the books I read by him so I have high expectations! 4mo
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Wild Houses: A Novel | Colin Barrett
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Beautifully written, impactful literary crime novel about stagnation in a small town in Ireland. This is Barrett‘s debut novel which is getting some deserved buzz in literary circles. My full review is on the blog: www.thereadersroom.org

BarbaraBB Sounds good! 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I think you would like it 4mo
BarbaraBB Thanks! Stacking! 4mo
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Alias Grace/ Alias Grace | Margaret Eleanor Atwood
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“In reality the egg had the consistency of the excised tumor a fellow medical student once slipped into his pocket for a joke - both hard and spongy at the same time. It takes a perverse talent to maltreat an egg so completely.”


SpellboundReader Glad to see you are enjoying this one! 🙂 I bought the Audible version in 2023 with the intention of listening to it in early 2024 and then watching the Netflix series. Of course, I keep putting it off for other books. 5mo
JenP @BeeCurious it‘s a reread for me but I read it a while ago so it almost feels like a new book. I do love most of her books 5mo
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Wild Houses: A Novel | Colin Barrett
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Loving this book. Also not a spoiler

Alias Grace/ Alias Grace | Margaret Eleanor Atwood
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Out of the gravel there are peonies growing


Alias Grace: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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Partner read: it was my month to pick and with some Litsy help, I finally selected Alias Grace which was also on my TBR (for a reread). After Marlon James‘ violent and highly masculine book, this month‘s theme came as a needed relief. And I love Atwood.

BarbaraBB Great choice! I hope Jan will love it too! 5mo
sarahbarnes This is on my TBR as well! 5mo
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Jan and I finished Black Leopard, Red Wolf for February (he took the full month to make it through 😂). It‘s my turn to pick a book for our March theme (women‘s history month) and I‘m trying to also get a book off my tbr shelf. Any recommendations? I‘m having a hard time narrowing down my options

JackOBotts I‘d pick Alias Grace. I‘m an Atwood fan. This gets off to a slow start, but pulled me in…and it‘s historical fiction, if that‘s up your alley. 💜 Then, you can watch the miniseries adaptation that‘s on Netflix. (edited) 5mo
JenP @JackOBotts I‘ve read it actually but I want to read it again and it‘s a book I would like to read with my partner bc I don‘t think he‘s read any of her books. I am also a big Atwood fan. Haven‘t seen the series though (edited) 5mo
Tamra Alias Grace is terrific! I keep meaning to reread it. 5mo
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vivastory The only one in your stack that I have read is Alias Grace & it's one of my favorites by Atwood. The adaptation is fantastic, too. 5mo
batsy Agree with @vivastory ! 5mo
JenP @vivastory yes, it‘s fantastic and you all are making me want to read it again. 5mo
BarbaraBB I am with you all! Such a good book! 5mo
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Joint read with my partner. He picked it and I think it almost broke him 😂. It‘s hard to put into words what I thought of it. I hate (and I mean HATED) some parts. It‘s graphic in terms of violence and sex, most of the sex is non-consensual, there is abuse and killing of kids, it has a feverous pacing and style. But the blending of folklore was interesting and I was engaged in the storyline when I could get past the unpleasantness.

JenP I was vacillating between a “pick” and “so so”. I had very mixed feelings about this book 5mo
BarbaraBB Love your review but it doesn‘t convince me to read the book! 5mo
sarahbarnes I agree, this was an intense read. It was a little too much for me. 5mo
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Ruthiella I used to listen to Marlon James‘ podcast Marlon and Jake Read Dead People and he was so funny and charming! It was hard to reconcile the sweet author with his brutal books. 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
JenP @Ruthiella I definitely see the humor in his books too but often hard to laugh when embedded in what is very unpleasant context 5mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I would actually not recommend this book to anyone. 😂 5mo
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One of the strangest books I‘ve read in a long time. I‘m not sure what to make of it yet

BarbaraBB Did you like it? 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Hooked_on_books Love the feet 🐾 5mo
JenP @BarbaraBB im only a third of the way in. I am undecided. I tend to like weird and unique books and am loving the way he blends folklore-type style into the story. But it‘s also pretty graphic (violence) which I find a bit challenging and my ADHD brain is like what is happening!!!! Very fever dream-esque 5mo
BarbaraBB Sounds weird indeed. I liked his other book but am not sure I want to read this one. 5mo
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I‘m late to it but these are my booker dozen. Can‘t believe Atwood didn‘t make my list if I was allowed 13, she would be on there.

AkashaVampie I am scared to ever read A Little Life. Ive heard it wrecked some people. 6mo
JenP @AkashaVampie it‘s not a book I recommend to people and it‘s devastating. But, I‘m a psychologist and I thought it was one of the best representations of trauma and a certain personality type that I‘ve ever read. 6mo
AkashaVampie @JenP wow!! Yeah i might read it sometime before I die, but not any time soon.
vivastory Great list! Not surprised to see a bit of overlap with my own. Ishiguro is such a master at writing stories that stick with you for years, The Mistry & the McCormack are high on my TBR. 6mo
BarbaraBB Great choices 🥰 6mo
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Jan selected our February read and I‘m shocked to see he picked not only fiction but a fantasy. He was choosing among 5 books and the other four were all non-fiction. We are allowing rather broad categories for our themes this year. So February could have been either romance Valentine‘s theme or books for black history month (including books written by black authors, centered on the stories of black characters, or about black history).

BarbaraBB Very interesting to follow your and Jan‘s reading journey! 6mo
JenP @BarbaraBB we are very different readers. Until he met me, he read all non-fiction. And I read almost exclusively fiction. I suspect he is picking books with me in mind after we read a book on World War Two ships and submarines that almost killed me 😂 6mo
JenP @BarbaraBB also, I‘m pretty sure he will regret having picked this selection. I stayed quiet bc I already owned the book so now can take it off my tbr. Payback for the submarine book. Either way we have great book discussions, Sometimes even better when one of us hates a book. 6mo
BarbaraBB Haha! After the submarines this one will be easy for you! And you can choose women‘s history month! 6mo
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Fifth Season | N K Jemisin
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Jan and I have finished our first monthly read in our partner reading challenge. This was his first fantasy novel (very outside his comfort zone). I picked the January book, he will pick February which must include a book related to either Valentine‘s Day or to honor black history month. Since neither of us like romance novels, I assume he will want to go with a book for black history month. Any recommendations for either category?

JenP We tried to pick very broad categories for every month (some tied to holidays or national months) to allow us greater flexibility to pick books. He‘s a non-fiction reader and I‘m mostly a literary fiction reader. English is not his first language but he is fluent. However if reading in English, some of the older style writing would be harder for him. 6mo
Bookzombie You could probably do both categories for February by picking up a historical romance by Beverly Jenkins. 🙂 I have only read a couple but enjoyed them. 6mo
Bookzombie Or you could go with this one for non-fiction. Since they are graphic novels you could probably do the whole trilogy in February. 6mo
JenP @Bookzombie I‘ve read those already. Great recommendations though 6mo
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It took me a few attempts to really get into this book but once I did, I really appreciated it. Loved how all the threads came together at the end although I think it merits another read to really understand everything.

quietlycuriouskate My thoughts exactly! 6mo
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My partner and I are reading one book a month together. Very broad categories for this year and we will alternate who picks each month. I picked this month (so I can finally finish a book I kept pushing back), he will pick next month. Life has been so hectic for both of us last few years that hoping this helps us find time for reading again. I‘ll be looking to you all each month for recommendations.

JenP We‘ve been doing this less formally for about 3 years and we read, discuss, and then log in our book journals. 6mo
Amiable What a great idea! I love that you do this together. 6mo
BarbaraBB Such a great idea! Keep us posted! 6mo
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Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2024 with lots of good books

Bookzombie Happy New Year! 🎆 7mo
BarbaraBB Happy new year! Hope to stay in touch on Litsy 💜 7mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I will try to be better this year 😂. 7mo
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JenP @Bookzombie you too! 7mo
JenP @Bookzombie you too! 7mo
JenP Sorry for the duplicates. Guess I should t keep mashing “send” when it seems frozen lol 7mo
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The Ferryman: A Novel | Justin Cronin
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I loved his vampire trilogy but this one fell a bit short for me. I was entertained well enough for most of it. There is a particular type of plot twist/thread that I dislike and this fell into that category although he handled it in a less generic/formulaic way than other books I‘ve read. It‘s hard to say much without ruining the plot. It was just okay for me.

All the Little Bird-Hearts | Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow
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This book just broke me 😭😭

BarbaraBB My favorite so far 11mo
BookwormM My favourite so far as well 11mo
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Western Lane: A Novel | Chetna Maroo
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Book number 6 for our longlist panel.

Another book about grief and parental loss from this list. Makes me wonder if the Booker judges have some unresolved issues. Surely not all top books published jn the last year revolved around parental loss.

It‘s an average book. Not terrible but certainly not one of the top 13 books. You can read our full reviews here: https://thereadersroom.org/2023/09/04/2023-booker-longlist-western-lane-by-chetn...

BarbaraBB I liked it better than you did but agree that‘s is all very depressing this year (or any year for that matter!). It won‘t make my shortlist either 11mo
JenP @BarbaraBB so I didn‘t hate this book. I was engaged in it but just rated it harshly in the context of it being a Booker candidate. It‘s not a book I will find particularly memorable but it was solid enough 11mo
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How to Build a Boat | Elaine Feeney
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Book #7 for our Booker longlist panel and we were very split on this one.

I enjoyed reading something that wasn‘t so bleak but it felt pretty mediocre for me. One dimensional characters way too many plot threads that simply disappeared into nothing and a romance thread that I eye-rolled my way through. You can read all our reviews here:


BarbaraBB I am very curious about this one. I‘ll read it soon. 11mo
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Nope. This is the kind of writing style I don‘t care for. This will be a struggle for me. 😬

Bklover This reads like someone writing an essay and using all the big impressive words they could find. 11mo
JenP @Bklover it feels pretentious and overwritten to me but the book gets a lot of acclaim. I‘m hating it lol 11mo
Bklover You have my sympathy. I think I‘d hate it too. 11mo
squirrelbrain I hate-read this right to the end, because I‘m a #listcompletist. It‘s definitely bottom of my Booker longlist at the moment, with only 2 to go. 11mo
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In Ascension | Martin MacInnes
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Unlike 75% of people who described this book as boring, I quite enjoyed it. I‘m a researcher and psychologist and perhaps that‘s why I appreciated the book more than many. The circular nature of the book, the ways in which the author raises questions about the meaning of life and how our past impacts our present and future were all interesting to me. Full review to come on our blog where I suspect I will once again be the odd woman out.

BarbaraBB Looking forward to it! 11mo
squirrelbrain I enjoyed this one too, so I‘ll be your odd book friend! 🤣 11mo
quietlycuriouskate I'm looking forward to my library hold coming in. 11mo
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JenP @squirrelbrain yay 🥳 11mo
JenP @quietlycuriouskate I hope you like it! 11mo
Larkken Awesome! I just requested this on NetGalley- I hope I like it as much as you 😊 11mo
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The House of Doors | Tan Twan Eng
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Our panel has posted our ratings and reviews for this Booker longlist novel. You can read them here:


BarbaraBB I hope you loved it as much as you hoped. I did but not as much as his other books and as 11mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I haven‘t read that one yet. I did like it. So far it‘s my favorite of the Booker choices but still have 5 to go 11mo
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Old God's Time: A Novel | Sebastian Barry
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Our panel‘s full reviews are up on the blog. I seem to the odd woman out. Who do you agree with? Read the reviews here: https://thereadersroom.org/2023/08/21/2023-booker-longlist-old-gods-time-by-seba...

JenP Www.thereadersroom.org (edited) 11mo
BarbaraBB I ended up loving this one 11mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I was the only one who really liked it. Brilliant writing 11mo
BarbaraBB Agree. I read the reviews on your site 11mo
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The House of Doors | Tan Twan Eng
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Loved it! I cried reading this book because it made me reflect on love, relationships, and forbidden feelings. Beautifully written and it really felt for all the characters but especially the female protagonist. My favorite book so far from long list. Full review on our blog in a few weeks

JamieArc Looking forward to this one! I believe we still have to wait a little bit in the US for it to come out. 11mo
JenP @JamieArc yes mid-October I think. I got an early copy so was lucky 11mo
Suet624 I can‘t wait! 11mo
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A Spell of Good Things | Ayobami Adebayo
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Reading this for our Booker panel. I didn‘t love it honestly but I gave it a “pick” because I think it was overall a good book. I felt disconnected from the characters which is odd for me bc I typically love Nigerian literature and often have strong emotional reactions to these types of books/content. Reading it through the lens of our Booker panel, it was a solid meh for me. Full review when we post our panel reviews

Old God's Time: A Novel | Sebastian Barry
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This book grew on me after what felt like a very slow start. I‘ll post the full review on my blog when we do the Booker panel reviews but in brief I found it beautifully written and quite clever style. Warning: does have some content and descriptions of abuse

BarbaraBB Reading this too now and feeling the same! 12mo
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Two years ago my partner fell off scaffolding and broke his collarbone. We are trying to raise money for a surgery bc the public health system won‘t cover it and he is in daily chronic pain

His story is in the go fund me. I‘m gifting a selection of 3-4 books (all brand new) and 3-4 matching candles from my Etsy store along with some bookish goods to one lucky person who donates ($1 or more). Will ship international


JenP Note: the go fund me is in Norwegian kroners. 10nok = $1 12mo
JenP I will draw one random winner in the fall. I will send you a photo of all the books up for grab, and the winner can select 4. If I have enough, I will select 2 (edited) 12mo
BarbaraBB Done Jen, good luck, I‘ll hope you have the amount soon. Pain is a bitch as is the American health care system. You can tag LitsyEvents to repost! 12mo
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JenP @BarbaraBB actually unbelievable as it may be, it‘s the Norwegian health system. Otherwise the surgery cost would probably in 100k range his public health system refuses to operate bc they said the bone isn‘t penetrating the skin but that if he wanted to get it fixed he could do it through the private clinics - and the same doctors who work in public hospitals are the ones who would perform the surgery in the private clinic. 12mo
JenP @BarbaraBB and thanks so much! 12mo
BarbaraBB You‘re kidding! Isn‘t Norway one of the countries with the best health care in the world? What a bizarre story about those doctors. Hope it‘ll work out soon 🍀 12mo
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The longlist was announced today. How did our panel do in predictions? Check out the blog. What do you think of the list?


BarbaraBB Hi Jen! I am happy with the list. A lot of books that I wouldn‘t have predicted by writers I never even heard of. What doe you think? 12mo
JenP @BarbaraBB I agree. I‘m happy with it too. I like when they go with lesser known works/writers. But I haven‘t read any so we‘ll see in a month 12mo
BarbaraBB Absolutely. I have high hopes, especially for The House of Doors. I loved both his other books! 12mo
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Shy: A Novel | Max Porter
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I love Max Porter. Grief is the Thing with Feathers is one of my favorite books. I love his writing style which I find wholly creative and innovative. And his books address important philosophical, social, and emotional questions. This book was no exception. Centered around the experience of a troubled teen, it‘s beautifully written — you will find yourself reading it aloud— and dives right into masculinity and inner struggles of young men.

Birnam Wood | Eleanor Catton
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I enjoyed this. I bought the print copy, read half as print and then lost the print copy and since I had lots of audible credits, I finished it as an audio book. I find Catton to be a brilliant writer and I enjoy her style. This book was more action packed than her prior books but similarly dense with some interesting political/philosophical discussions. It‘s on my Booker prediction list

SamAnne Absolutely loved this one. 12mo
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Our Booker predictions are out on the blog. Which books did we miss? Which books did we get right?


Fifth Season | N K Jemisin
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It‘s rare that I have time to sit and read for a decent amount of time. Taking a break from literary fiction to finally read one of the books that‘s been sitting in my bookshelf for way too long

bnp Oh, I hope you enjoy this one! I liked it, but it made more sense the 2bd time around - I liked it even more. 13mo
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Hungry Ghosts | Kevin Jared Hosein
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This has been getting some buzz for possible Booker prize long list. Set in Trinidad in the 1940s, this novel tells the tale of a poor family who find themselves intertwined with a wealthy family. The novel explores colonialism, social class, religion, and violence that emerges when groups clash. It‘s an unrelentingly dark book. I didn‘t particularly enjoy it but recognize it‘s merits. I did enjoy learning about the concept of hungry ghosts.

squirrelbrain Great review - I didn‘t really like it either (far too dark) but I can see why others do, and it‘s certainly a ‘Booker book‘ (edited) 13mo
JenP @squirrelbrain I‘m not convinced it will make the long list but I seem alone in that belief 😂 13mo
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I‘m a slacker when it comes to reading but coming back for Booker Prize. I have two months to try and get up to speed and am trying to read some contenders ahead of time so I can make more informed predictions.

So which books should I be reading? What do you think this years contenders will be?

I‘m currently reading Hungry ghosts

BarbaraBB Hi Jen! Good to see you!! Hard to decide on predictions but I‘d definitely go for 14mo
JenP @BarbaraBB thanks! I have that on my list to try and get to before the longlist. Nice to see you still here! 14mo
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I cried throughout this book. I couldn‘t read more than 10 pages at a time. Having had a lot of loss in my life in the last 5 years, several as a result of cancer, and a mother in remission, I almost couldn‘t get through it. But it‘s so beautifully written that sometimes the passages made me cry for the beauty of the writing alone.

BarbaraBB What a wonderful review. I felt the same, more or less. It‘s so hard to read yet so beautiful 2y
batsy Lovely review ❤️ 2y
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