Thank you Adam Grant.
Thank you Adam Grant.
Well unfortunately I got about 2/3 through and was just not interested in the rest. I read through a bunch of reviews and many folks said it started strong and weakened in the middle, without a clear or strong conclusion.
It‘s about a Latina reader writing to an older Latino writer she admired greatly and had a confusing relationship with 10 years prior, after being contacted by a reporter about said author being charged with sexual assault.
I tried so hard but had to DNF.. I read 165 pages and feel like the story is going no where and is SO boring 🥲 It was in my TBR list so atleast there‘s that 🤣 #catsoflitsy
Divorce is a difficult topic for a book& although the writing is good, it feels too much like a reality tv show where we get too close to a couple &witness something that should be private. It doesn‘t help that Bea &Niklas are both unlikeable characters.Bea “sacrificed” career for the sake of family & with divorce looming has financial worries, that feel very real for many women even today.Yet she also loves luxury items
I just can‘t do it. I‘m 120 pages in and this book is just not doing it for me. How this is the same writer as “The Woman in The Window”? I feel like I‘m just sitting here reading the most boring conversation between two people with random people peppered in and I could give not a single crap who they are. I‘m out #hailtothebail
Maybe I am just not quite smart enough but there were swathes of this one where I was not quite sure what was happening and crucially not sure I cared. I do know the language was beautiful - words of longing and exploration and loneliness but it still left huge gaps as a cohesive story for me. I suspect I might give it another go and find more in the language to love and maybe a better understanding of the actual time war. Low pick
What a great premise. Unfortunately I couldn‘t get into it at all. It was so messy and disjointed I hadn‘t the energy or will to bother so I bailed.
I really wanted to love this book, but for whatever reason it didn‘t strike a cord with me. Maybe I‘m not in the right frame of mind. But it looks like I borrowed this book from the library once before and returned it. And I‘m doing that again. If you read this and you love the book, that‘s fabulous.
Meh didn't finish it. Boring story and didn't like the graphics. I hope the show will be better than the story in this book. Basically it's about this knight who wants to enter a jousting tournament and thinks he's going to win. He also befriends and gets a helper called “Egg“.
I am bailing on this, at least for now. Stories told in the second person need to satisfy a very specific mood for me. I can see what the author is trying to do and how epic a love story it could be, but it isn't hitting the spot. Plus, the "Alice" pov suggests a direction I don't care to go when trying to settle into a love story.