One of the great things about reading a Star Wars novel is that it already comes with the perfect music to listen to as you read it.
#readingmusic #StarWars #TimothyZahn #Thrawn #GrandAdmiralThrawn #JohnWilliams #PlayItAgainJohn
One of the great things about reading a Star Wars novel is that it already comes with the perfect music to listen to as you read it.
#readingmusic #StarWars #TimothyZahn #Thrawn #GrandAdmiralThrawn #JohnWilliams #PlayItAgainJohn
Previous Star Wars novels have long established Palpatine (aka the Emperor) as a racist, but Zahn explains here why the Empire harbors hate for non-human races: the Clone Wars, with the Separatists mostly made up of non-humans. Given Palpatine orchestrated the entire war to place himself in power, this explanation makes his and his empire's racist attitudes that much more disturbing. Palpatine's Sith title of Darth Sidious is well-deserved.
I'm finally cracking into Timothy Zahn's novel reboot of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The first chapter does a brilliant job of bringing him back with all the swagger and mystique that makes him one of the best villains in a galaxy far, far away. The last line of the chapter gave me chills: "But I believe it would be easier for you to call me Thrawn."
#Thrawn #TimothyZahn #StarWars #GrandAdmiralThrawn
Finally added this to my bookshelf tonight. Excited to see what Timothy Zahn comes up with to reboot Thrawn.
#Thrawn #StarWars #chiss #GrandAdmiralThrawn #TimothyZahn #starwarsbooks #bookcover #bookselfie