Cute book of the day #LibraryWork
I‘m in a mini reading slump right now where nothing seems to be holding my attention and books I‘m enjoying will suddenly turn heavier than I need right now.
But right at this minute, none of that matters, because I‘m at the tail end of a monthlong embryology experiment at the library, and our first egg pipped earlier this evening! We‘re going to have baby chicks at the library!!!!! (at least for a week before I give them back to 4H 😂) 🐣🐥🐣🐥
Happy weekend, friends! I‘m exhausted after a full day of work, but with everything else this week, I‘m excited that our library‘s embryology partnership with 4H is going well. Yes, that‘s right, we‘re HATCHING BABY CHICKS AT THE LIBRARY. It‘s either brilliant or crazy, we‘ll see which 😂. Today was day 4 of the incubator, and they typically start hatching at day 21 or so, so fingers crossed all goes well! #librarylife #STEMeducation 🐣🐣🐣