The whole time I thought I had all the twists figured out and so I was pleasantly surprised at how many I got wrong or didn‘t see coming!
The whole time I thought I had all the twists figured out and so I was pleasantly surprised at how many I got wrong or didn‘t see coming!
4 Stars • "Sign Here" by Claudia Lux is a novel that blends dark humor with elements of the supernatural. The story revolves around Peyote Trip, a character working in Hell's bureaucracy. Her job involves managing the intake of souls in a highly bureaucratic afterlife system. The plot thickens as she navigates through the complexities of her job and a peculiar case that could potentially change her eternity. ⬇️
I loved The Pale House Devil so I‘m diving into Richard‘s other works.
Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy in the early fourteenth century after being on the wrong side of a political argument and being exiled from Florence by Pope Boniface VIII. It is an epic poem which is divided into three parts that are: Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. In the first section, Inferno, the reader follows the protagonist, Dante, as Alighieri imagines what it would be like if he were forced to travel the circles of hell.
Clive Barker is a master of dark fantasy and horror. When he emerged on the scene back in the early 1980s with the domestic release of his short story anthology THE BOOKS OF BLOOD, American horror master Stephen King was quoted as saying, “I think Clive Barker is so good I am literally tongue-tied.:
#12Booksof2024 This book had the biggest impact on me this year, as it relates to producing a visceral reaction. In retrospect, this was probably my trauma being triggered by the existential horror of it all, but I don‘t regret finishing it. This one will have you thinking about what it really means to “shuffle off this mortal coil”.
Honorable mention to How to Make Friends With a Ghost which I adored. 🥹👻
This as a weird book but I was honestly intrigued by all the different POvs and how they were connected. I also loved the weirdest of hell. Things started getting kind of too weird for me halfway through and I realized this just wasn‘t for me. #dnf
Alighieri‘s Inferno is an intricate commentary on the innate tendency to sin, the consequences and human emotions that follow, and man's search for redemption through God. Written in the first person perspective, characterized by the use of I, we, and our, this epic provides insight into how a man would act if thrust into hell and includes Dante‘s thoughts and observations.
I am probably in a good place to give a so-so rating because I do typically enjoy Palahniuk‘s work. This one, while a lot of fun at first, petered out for me. I‘m not sure where he lost me, but he did. And that‘s okay. You can‘t win them all. A 13-year-old girl is poised take over Hell. I was unaware this was a series when I picked it up, so I‘ll hold off Judgement Day until I finish it. Maybe it‘ll all tie up nicely?
Thank you so much @BeeMagical I adore everything. My son has already eaten most of the Jellybeans :) Can‘t wait to read all of these.
Thank you
@wanderinglynn for hosting the #HHS again